
Cycle and questions


Ok here it is.

Stats: 27
191 lbs
13% bf

Goals: I want to put on and keep, if possible, 10 lbs. Also I want to keep everything reasonable so that I can have many more productive cycles. I know you guys are pretty good about that anyways, hence why I'm posting on this forum.


1-12 250 Test E E3D
1-16 12.5 Aro E3D

PCT (4 weeks)

Clomid (50/50/25/25)
Nolvadex (40/20/20/20)
Aromasin 12.5 EOD
MK-2866 (25 all 4 weeks)
GW-501516 (20 all 4 weeks)

I know many of you are not fans of dbol. So is there anything else to Jumpstart the cycle? Maybe rad140?
Many ppl take something to Jumpstart natural test at the end of a cycle. Any recommendations?

This is what I have so far. Don't be afraid to throw random stuff out. Odds are if you mention it I'll research it anyways.

Ok here it is.

Stats: 27
191 lbs
13% bf

Goals: I want to put on and keep, if possible, 10 lbs. Also I want to keep everything reasonable so that I can have many more productive cycles. I know you guys are pretty good about that anyways, hence why I'm posting on this forum.


1-12 250 Test E E3D
1-16 12.5 Aro E3D

PCT (4 weeks)

Clomid (50/50/25/25)
Nolvadex (40/20/20/20)
Aromasin 12.5 EOD
MK-2866 (25 all 4 weeks)
GW-501516 (20 all 4 weeks)

I know many of you are not fans of dbol. So is there anything else to Jumpstart the cycle? Maybe rad140?
Many ppl take something to Jumpstart natural test at the end of a cycle. Any recommendations?

This is what I have so far. Don't be afraid to throw random stuff out. Odds are if you mention it I'll research it anyways.

I would run the Aromasin EOD during your cycle and PCT. I would just pin the Test twice weekly, like Sun and Wed or something along those lines instead of every 3 days. As for jump starting your cycle, have you used AAS before? I only ask because if you haven't, I would hold off on jump starting it just to see what sides you get from the Test. However if you've used SARMS and peptides before and know how they effect you, the one of those could be an option.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
I would run the Aromasin EOD during your cycle and PCT. I would just pin the Test twice weekly, like Sun and Wed or something along those lines instead of every 3 days. As for jump starting your cycle, have you used AAS before? I only ask because if you haven't, I would hold off on jump starting it just to see what sides you get from the Test. However if you've used SARMS and peptides before and know how they effect you, the one of those could be an option.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

Aromasin EOD that's an easy fix. As for trying AAS before, no I haven't this would be my first cycle. Also first for sarms.
it is essential that you have an annual physical before starting your first cycle
you need to have a complete set of blood work done
If for some reason you don't want to have the blood work done thru your can use
make sure you include the female hormone panel

you need these baseline levels to help you access your recovery after PCT
and in the future you will refer to these values countless times
it is essential that you have an annual physical before starting your first cycle
you need to have a complete set of blood work done
If for some reason you don't want to have the blood work done thru your can use
make sure you include the female hormone panel

you need these baseline levels to help you access your recovery after PCT
and in the future you will refer to these values countless times

Thanks. I was already planning on getting bloodwork, it seems like an invaluable tool and one many ppl use. Idk about the dr authorizing it, even though it would nice for my mandatory health insurance to do something useful for me.
So blood work through that lab in my state is illegal. Idk why it's illegal for me to get my own blood work but that's a question for politicians. Any other ideas on how to get blood work? Odds are my dr will be suspicious of such a specific blood test.
Ok here it is.

Stats: 27
191 lbs
13% bf

Goals: I want to put on and keep, if possible, 10 lbs. Also I want to keep everything reasonable so that I can have many more productive cycles. I know you guys are pretty good about that anyways, hence why I'm posting on this forum.


1-12 250 Test E E3D
1-16 12.5 Aro E3D

PCT (4 weeks)

Clomid (50/50/25/25)
Nolvadex (40/20/20/20)
Aromasin 12.5 EOD
MK-2866 (25 all 4 weeks)
GW-501516 (20 all 4 weeks)

I know many of you are not fans of dbol. So is there anything else to Jumpstart the cycle? Maybe rad140?
Many ppl take something to Jumpstart natural test at the end of a cycle. Any recommendations?

This is what I have so far. Don't be afraid to throw random stuff out. Odds are if you mention it I'll research it anyways.


For your first cycle here is what I'd personally recommend to you bro, based on your goals of adding mass.mget all your sarms and pct from

1-12 test c 350mg per week
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 LGD 10mg per day dosed in the am


Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
So blood work through that lab in my state is illegal. Idk why it's illegal for me to get my own blood work but that's a question for politicians. Any other ideas on how to get blood work? Odds are my dr will be suspicious of such a specific blood test.
Tell your doctor your paying for does no harm and you just want it done PERIOD....if he balks tell him you'll be looking for another doctor
You dont need that get the female hormone panel. Its like $65. If getting bloods on cycle get the uncapped one

Unfortunately this site only has like $200 female hormone panel. The male is the same price. I think I'm stuck on this one.
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