
Cycle advice needed.

So this is my story. I'm 32 been training for 10 years. Long story short I had low test under 300. Cut weight down to 156 before I went on TRT. Went on test-c 250 a week for six months and gained 25 lbs with a loss of 4% bf. I'm 180 now. So I got my blood work back at six months, cbc and estrodial were elevated. Cbc was in range but high and my esteroidal was 93, wicked high. So what's my doc do, takes me off cold turkey. Thank god no sides have occurred. So now I'm going back on trt and want to see what I can do to maximize the trt I'm using. On one shot a weak my test was at right around 900 which is where I want to be but after being on for about 4 months I stopped making gains, I'm assuming it was because my Damn estrogen was so high. I am thinking of going sub Q injections eod and possibly running aromasin with it because of what Dylan says about it reducing the sex hormone that binds and lowers free test and lowering estrogen. Also I take 24 mg albuterol ed. Anyhow I know the first response is going to be take some sarms but I'm not sure I'm sold on them yet. Mainly the cost for what seems like a small benefits. I open to any advice and will listen so hit me with your replies. If you choose to respond be prepared, I ask a ton of questions and will ask and research and ask again before I make a move on anything so just be fore warned.
Are you just wanting to do trt on your own or really wanting to do a full blown steroid cycle for gains?

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I would go ahead and do your trt year round. U can blast twice a year. And when u do u could run something aling the lines of this:
500mg of test
proviron 50 mg ed
tbol @60mg ed for first 6 weeks
as well as add a sarms stack if u like.
deathbyduck87 said:
Are you just wanting to do trt on your own or really wanting to do a full blown steroid cycle for gains?

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I really just want to get the most out of my trt, I have been killing myself in the gym for years making no gains because of low test. Now that my levels are up I'm making crazy gains, well until my estrogen went sky high. So while I'm not opposed to trying other things I would really like to play it safe for a bit, just to see how far I can go with just having normal testosterone levels. That being said I was looking at maybe doing some GH at a low dose or some peptides just to kind of boost the gains and not really add to the sides.
cmb5017 said:
I would go ahead and do your trt year round. U can blast twice a year. And when u do u could run something aling the lines of this:
500mg of test
proviron 50 mg ed
tbol @60mg ed for first 6 weeks
as well as add a sarms stack if u like.
Thanks dude I will start looking into them. I am really prone to dht sides like acne and hair loss so need to be careful. Well not really with the acne my skin has always been shit it's just worse now on trt but more with the hair loss.
makingains said:
cmb5017 said:
I would go ahead and do your trt year round. U can blast twice a year. And when u do u could run something aling the lines of this:
500mg of test
proviron 50 mg ed
tbol @60mg ed for first 6 weeks
as well as add a sarms stack if u like.
Thanks dude I will start looking into them. I am really prone to dht sides like acne and hair loss so need to be careful. Well not really with the acne my skin has always been shit it's just worse now on trt but more with the hair loss.

Ur likelihood of hair loss on low doses of test are very low (though possible) u just neec to stay away from products like. Winny and others that really put a whopping on hair. But trt doses and small blast cycles probably wont affect u at all.
cmb5017 said:
I would go ahead and do your trt year round. U can blast twice a year. And when u do u could run something aling the lines of this:
500mg of test
proviron 50 mg ed
tbol @60mg ed for first 6 weeks
as well as add a sarms stack if u like.

I like this one.

I will be running trt year round once I go back on. But low dose and strictly monitored so if I send my levels through the roof the my doc will just pull me off. Also even at low dose my cbc went way up. So I'm really looking for something that fits in the mix well and provides real lean gains, maybe GH with some peptides and a sarm or two. Also I responded super well to everything because I put some much freaking work in and eat my ass off all clean.
makingains said:
So this is my story. I'm 32 been training for 10 years. Long story short I had low test under 300. Cut weight down to 156 before I went on TRT. Went on test-c 250 a week for six months and gained 25 lbs with a loss of 4% bf. I'm 180 now. So I got my blood work back at six months, cbc and estrodial were elevated. Cbc was in range but high and my esteroidal was 93, wicked high. So what's my doc do, takes me off cold turkey. Thank god no sides have occurred. So now I'm going back on trt and want to see what I can do to maximize the trt I'm using. On one shot a weak my test was at right around 900 which is where I want to be but after being on for about 4 months I stopped making gains, I'm assuming it was because my Damn estrogen was so high. I am thinking of going sub Q injections eod and possibly running aromasin with it because of what Dylan says about it reducing the sex hormone that binds and lowers free test and lowering estrogen. Also I take 24 mg albuterol ed. Anyhow I know the first response is going to be take some sarms but I'm not sure I'm sold on them yet. Mainly the cost for what seems like a small benefits. I open to any advice and will listen so hit me with your replies. If you choose to respond be prepared, I ask a ton of questions and will ask and research and ask again before I make a move on anything so just be fore warned.

The answer to your problem is right there in bold bro. You said after about 4 months on you stopped making gains. That is perfectly normal. Your body can only produce so much muscle at a given rate, and as you acquire more and more muscle, your myostatin will increase which tells your body to stop building new muscle and gains will stall out. For every pound of muscle you acquire, your body will also be closer and closer to its genetic limit. This also slows gains.

Don't expect to make any substantial gains at the level you did when first going on TRT. You were severely undersized when starting TRT, and your body responded favorably by building muscle rather easily to get you to a better muscular foundation. Now that you have that, to make further gains on TRT it's going to be extremely slow in comparison. That's just how it goes.

If you want to push further you need higher doses, more compounds, sarms, whatever. There are a lot of choices to make gains, but being on just TRT will only take you so far. That's why it makes more sense to do a blast and cruise if you are on TRT. Cruise at TRT for about 12 weeks, go on blast at higher doses and multiple compounds for 12 weeks, then repeat the cruise again. Something like that is the ideal way if you want to progress further. You just have to remember to come off and cruise after a length of time to let your myostatin come down and let your health numbers baseline
RickRock said:
makingains said:
So this is my story. I'm 32 been training for 10 years. Long story short I had low test under 300. Cut weight down to 156 before I went on TRT. Went on test-c 250 a week for six months and gained 25 lbs with a loss of 4% bf. I'm 180 now. So I got my blood work back at six months, cbc and estrodial were elevated. Cbc was in range but high and my esteroidal was 93, wicked high. So what's my doc do, takes me off cold turkey. Thank god no sides have occurred. So now I'm going back on trt and want to see what I can do to maximize the trt I'm using. On one shot a weak my test was at right around 900 which is where I want to be but after being on for about 4 months I stopped making gains, I'm assuming it was because my Damn estrogen was so high. I am thinking of going sub Q injections eod and possibly running aromasin with it because of what Dylan says about it reducing the sex hormone that binds and lowers free test and lowering estrogen. Also I take 24 mg albuterol ed. Anyhow I know the first response is going to be take some sarms but I'm not sure I'm sold on them yet. Mainly the cost for what seems like a small benefits. I open to any advice and will listen so hit me with your replies. If you choose to respond be prepared, I ask a ton of questions and will ask and research and ask again before I make a move on anything so just be fore warned.

The answer to your problem is right there in bold bro. You said after about 4 months on you stopped making gains. That is perfectly normal. Your body can only produce so much muscle at a given rate, and as you acquire more and more muscle, your myostatin will increase which tells your body to stop building new muscle and gains will stall out. For every pound of muscle you acquire, your body will also be closer and closer to its genetic limit. This also slows gains.

Don't expect to make any substantial gains at the level you did when first going on TRT. You were severely undersized when starting TRT, and your body responded favorably by building muscle rather easily to get you to a better muscular foundation. Now that you have that, to make further gains on TRT it's going to be extremely slow in comparison. That's just how it goes.

If you want to push further you need higher doses, more compounds, sarms, whatever. There are a lot of choices to make gains, but being on just TRT will only take you so far. That's why it makes more sense to do a blast and cruise if you are on TRT. Cruise at TRT for about 12 weeks, go on blast at higher doses and multiple compounds for 12 weeks, then repeat the cruise again. Something like that is the ideal way if you want to progress further. You just have to remember to come off and cruise after a length of time to let your myostatin come down and let your health numbers baseline

That makes a lot of sense dude, I didn't think of it that way. I thought if I just kept my levels at around 900 and kept eating right then the gains would keep coming. Now I'm a little more educated, thanks. I will have to time that shot well to keep my blood work legit. I would really like to know what you think will happen just from adding aromasin into the mix? Like I said my estradiol levels were that of a pregnant woman my last two months on trt. What's your opinion?
makingains said:
RickRock said:
makingains said:
So this is my story. I'm 32 been training for 10 years. Long story short I had low test under 300. Cut weight down to 156 before I went on TRT. Went on test-c 250 a week for six months and gained 25 lbs with a loss of 4% bf. I'm 180 now. So I got my blood work back at six months, cbc and estrodial were elevated. Cbc was in range but high and my esteroidal was 93, wicked high. So what's my doc do, takes me off cold turkey. Thank god no sides have occurred. So now I'm going back on trt and want to see what I can do to maximize the trt I'm using. On one shot a weak my test was at right around 900 which is where I want to be but after being on for about 4 months I stopped making gains, I'm assuming it was because my Damn estrogen was so high. I am thinking of going sub Q injections eod and possibly running aromasin with it because of what Dylan says about it reducing the sex hormone that binds and lowers free test and lowering estrogen. Also I take 24 mg albuterol ed. Anyhow I know the first response is going to be take some sarms but I'm not sure I'm sold on them yet. Mainly the cost for what seems like a small benefits. I open to any advice and will listen so hit me with your replies. If you choose to respond be prepared, I ask a ton of questions and will ask and research and ask again before I make a move on anything so just be fore warned.

The answer to your problem is right there in bold bro. You said after about 4 months on you stopped making gains. That is perfectly normal. Your body can only produce so much muscle at a given rate, and as you acquire more and more muscle, your myostatin will increase which tells your body to stop building new muscle and gains will stall out. For every pound of muscle you acquire, your body will also be closer and closer to its genetic limit. This also slows gains.

Don't expect to make any substantial gains at the level you did when first going on TRT. You were severely undersized when starting TRT, and your body responded favorably by building muscle rather easily to get you to a better muscular foundation. Now that you have that, to make further gains on TRT it's going to be extremely slow in comparison. That's just how it goes.

If you want to push further you need higher doses, more compounds, sarms, whatever. There are a lot of choices to make gains, but being on just TRT will only take you so far. That's why it makes more sense to do a blast and cruise if you are on TRT. Cruise at TRT for about 12 weeks, go on blast at higher doses and multiple compounds for 12 weeks, then repeat the cruise again. Something like that is the ideal way if you want to progress further. You just have to remember to come off and cruise after a length of time to let your myostatin come down and let your health numbers baseline

That makes a lot of sense dude, I didn't think of it that way. I thought if I just kept my levels at around 900 and kept eating right then the gains would keep coming. Now I'm a little more educated, thanks. I will have to time that shot well to keep my blood work legit. I would really like to know what you think will happen just from adding aromasin into the mix? Like I said my estradiol levels were that of a pregnant woman my last two months on trt. What's your opinion?

Adding the Aromasin will definitely help you, especially if estrogen is out of range. It will lower SHBG, increase IGF, increase free test, and increase libido while getting that estrogen where it needs to be. It help you get more useable test out of your dose with less estrogen. Just don't expect it to do anything substantial as far as gains go. It will make a difference, give you less water weight, and help you lose fat easier for sure.
Hey bro... okay... if we are talking staying on trt for now and maximizing then i need to explain a few things here to you... There are only so many options you have when using trt to really enhance it to the highest extent... your clearly not adding only steroids to the mix without a blast going so you have other options... continue with test alone and see where that takes you.. in terms of feeling, of course it will make you feel back to normal and better but gains wise, how far will it take you? it will enhance things to an extent but only so far... that leaves you with some options...

i did a writeup on maximizing trt here anabolic-steroids-f14/trt-cruising-and-bridging-getting-the-most-out-of--t345.html

let me explain to you why sarms are the perfect fit for this and why you are not "sold" on them... the first problem is right there... "sold" as they should not be SOLD onto anyone... if that needs to be done then there's obviously something wrong going on... the selling part should come from results and facts, not product pushing... your problem, (which I don't blame you) is that being a part of evo and other shitholes is that products are pushed to be something they are not to benefit whomever is trying to make a quick buck... i have not put this amount of time and effort into them and giving so much info on them because they are anything that needs sold but they are there as an alternative and quite frankly a savior to some... they act and enhancements for your performance enhancers... so you are already using a performance enhancer, how do you take it to an even higher extent? you add sarms to the equation... how about if your not in the condition to use steroids yet but need to get there and want to also make other type gains, sarms are perfect... bridges, etc... they fit in every scenario and the versatility they possess allows them to cut, bulk or recomp... I stand by them more than a million percent and if you made a thread asking for sarms feedback, most specifically that of pure essence, where you are actually getting a REAL and quality sarm as opposed to 95% of the chem companies out there who only care about taking your money, then you see the difference... part of the issue is the companies themselves taking advantage of the consumer as well... these are all things that cannot be overlooked but trust me when i tell you, when you get REAL sarms products in the form they should be in, you will be more than pleased and have them staples in things you do just like so many do and have when they have a real experience as they should... that's up to you and noone is going to push anything on you at anytime but i assure you that if you try them once, you will see why i recommend them as i do...

as your trt, running sarms with proviron will enhance it to the highest extent i have found with a trt run... yes hgh is always something you can run if you can afford it and you really need it as well as fully understand it, but that's up to you in that facet.. when mk677 is released it will act as hgh, albeit not the same strength etc. but "like effect" just as sarms are not steroids and not as drastic or powerful but provide "like effects" without the side effects which makes things far more sustainable and easier on the body and add to your health and longevity...
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