honestly, you can literally run WHATEVER sarm you want with test and there is nothing but positive benefits... im very big on rad brother... it has shown now, over the past two years to have quickly become a favorite amongst many... now, i dont want to confuse you... it was INTENDED to mimic test but in all honesty, it has not shown to do that so i dont want to blow smoke, however the results are bigger than what were expected and do far more... i would definitely keep it in there over lgd based on your goals...You put a lot of effort into doin that bro, I know I speak for plenty when I say we appreciate everything you do...is there any sarms I would NOT want to run if I'm gonna be runnin Test as well? I know I had mentioned lgd/s4/gw, you had said swap the lgd, for rad140, which is supposed to mimic test if I recall correctly...does that still stand as your recommendation? Or no rad?