
Currently on 30mg AC-262. Add in LGD into cycle?


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I´m on day 27 of 84 days (12 weeks) on my 30mg AC-262 cycle.

I´m thinking about adding in 2.5mg or 5mg LGD-4033 mid cycle into my cycle. I would add it in couple of weeks so I run it last 6-7 weeks.
I want to check if anyone have any experience regarding this or if this is a good/stupid idea.

Thanks in advance!
i would not do that... you would really want to run it 12 weeks and its just not necessary either , especially at those doses, which would be so low you wouldnt notice much from it

I´m on day 27 of 84 days (12 weeks) on my 30mg AC-262 cycle.

I´m thinking about adding in 2.5mg or 5mg LGD-4033 mid cycle into my cycle. I would add it in couple of weeks so I run it last 6-7 weeks.
I want to check if anyone have any experience regarding this or if this is a good/stupid idea.

Thanks in advance!
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