


I cruised my last cycle, i know its not recommended and ill take responsibility for anything that happens to me.

Im about 3 weeks away from blasting again and wondered if i should increase the dosage of test from the last blast.
On the last blast i did 50mg dbol ED for 5 weeks and 450 test E. Im cruising on 200 test currently.

This next blast is going to be Test, Deca, EQ and Anadrol as a kick start for 4 weeks. Is it necessary to increase the Test dose when you blast again?
No that will only add too water bloat and estrogen 450 is plenty with those other compounds my advice keep gaining as those esters build and the last 4 weeks when myostatin is high and the gainz have stopped hit it with the A bombs not at the beginning . kick starts are old played out bioscience and they don't benefit. Better too progressively overload

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Is it really worth beating your liver up that much at the end of the cycle? Then having to PCT after that, as I'm going to come off after this blast. Does make sense using it at the end when your gains start slowing down, but not heard of many doing it that way round? What about adding a different oral to finish the cycle something less toxic and maybe a bit cleaner to tidy up the beginning of the blast? Tbol or something like that?
Is it really worth beating your liver up that much at the end of the cycle? Then having to PCT after that, as I'm going to come off after this blast. Does make sense using it at the end when your gains start slowing down, but not heard of many doing it that way round? What about adding a different oral to finish the cycle something less toxic and maybe a bit cleaner to tidy up the beginning of the blast? Tbol or something like that?
What gymjunkie is trying to say, is it's best to add orals in when gains start slowing rather than the beginning. Starting off like that just makes myostatin rise quicker which kills the cycke quicker. Androgens should increase as the cycke goes on, not decrease which is what happens when you do an oral kickstart.
And something like anadrol is advisable to end a cycle with when your nearing PCT? The amount of size you'll add right before coming off will surely be harder to maintain? Also having EQ in there, as thats such a long ester and won't really hit til say mid way through a 16 week cycle, that would then raise androgens?
i would never run anadrol on the back end of a cycle or the middle... its a kickstart... thats what its suited for
450-500mg test a week is all you need. Any more and you'll convert more estrogen and retain more water.
I've heard of people hitting abombs on the back end of cycles but I have no experience in this. I would suggest kickstarting your blast with abombs the first 4-5 weeks since both deca and eq have very slow acting esters.
Hope this was helpful bud
There are going to be differing opinions on this, and the majority would say run it as a kickstart. You are free to use it wherever you see fit, I was just giving my side of things. Based in my own research in how myostatin works as well as my own experience with orals, I have decided I will never start a cycle with an oral again. I've found more success in my cycle when I started with just Injectibles and ended with an oral, just like the cycle I'm on now, which also happens to be one of my most successful.
There are going to be differing opinions on this, and the majority would say run it as a kickstart. You are free to use it wherever you see fit, I was just giving my side of things. Based in my own research in how myostatin works as well as my own experience with orals, I have decided I will never start a cycle with an oral again. I've found more success in my cycle when I started with just Injectibles and ended with an oral, just like the cycle I'm on now, which also happens to be one of my most successful.

Agreed, everyone's body reacts differently to compounds. I always had great results kickstarting a cycle with dbol or adrol. I will have to do a lot more research into it and experiment myself.
i would never run anadrol on the back end of a cycle or the middle... its a kickstart... thats what its suited for

That's what I thought, seems to potent to have at the end. What about another oral to finish? Like tbol or anavar? Or with the compounds being used already is it unnecessary?
No that will only add too water bloat and estrogen 450 is plenty with those other compounds my advice keep gaining as those esters build and the last 4 weeks when myostatin is high and the gainz have stopped hit it with the A bombs not at the beginning . kick starts are old played out bioscience and they don't benefit. Better too progressively overload

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I completely agree with the progressive overload, I've learned kickstarts are overplayed and better results are prevalent when the test has already began to kick in

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I completely agree with the progressive overload, I've learned kickstarts are overplayed and better results are prevalent when the test has already began to kick in

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Exactly and people don't realize it you start the cycle of with super high androgen levels then drop them down your only growing those first 4 weeks you might as well cruise again after that. You will gradually need more and more and myostatin rises so let it slowly build up with it

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IMO if blasting/cruising it's personal preference if you're running Anadrol at the beginning or end. If you're going to PCT I wouldn't run it on the end unless you're advanced due to estrogen rebound Anadrol can sometimes cause.
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