Here's the skinny on DNP. It has a 36hr half life so it accumulates. Carbs, simple and complex stimulate the thermogenic effect. I intentionally upped my carbs for that purpose. For quite a few people it takes 5 days usually to kick in. By day three the veins in my lower abs were on ridiculous level 9. There was noticeable adipose loss in my upper abs just under my sternum at my solar plexus. Although you can't tell in my videos due to lighting I'm pretty veiny especially when standing. Arms, legs, calves, delts, triceps, lower abs and hips all veiny af. The change was in the abs. Now here's the crazy part and you can either believe it, or not. Each day once I noticed the effect of the DNP I was asked at the shoe store, grocery store, mall and gym if I was in contest prep for a show. If you can be sensible about it and tolerate it DNP is a very toxic, dangerous and useful tool IF used responsibly. Sadly the average lemming is predisposed to fuck shit up. I know someone on this forum who runs it at 800mgs for 10 days straight. I know someone who ran it for 4 weeks and lost 54 pounds... Now AAS and DNP are both compounds that have a bad name, both if abused earn them.
What tends to piss me off is this and some fail to see the irony of it... AAS receives the same amount of hatred and blame as DNP... matter of factly, even more so as having DNP in your possession is not a crime. So to formulate an opinion based without any first hand knowledge would make you just as bad as the haters who bash us for using AAS. I was told I was being lazy, that I didn't want to earn it... all kinds of shit. You do realize I competed as a bodybuilder as a teen, that I also competed in and have either won or came in 2nd in all my bench press competitions, that I have benched over 500lbs... yet I'm lazy. That at age 46 I manage to look the way I do while there are people 20 years younger than me on AAS eating a Hot Pocket sipping on a beer complaining about 6oz of chicken being too small. I could've ran the DNP and posted a pic and took credit for being on top of my diet and all that, but I did as I always do... be honest and try to benefit the masses. It's cool though The 44 told me himself that I'd be okay. So I'll summarize it like this, it has a place in the extreme side of the industry. Wouldn't want my girl running it and she's a bad ass. I however have a thing for testing out those things insane, stupid and genius and then somehow sharing the information... not too bad for a lazy guy not willing to do the work. And no I wouldn't do a video simply because someone would take the info provided and fuck shit up.
I was gonna be all like "don't do that shit;it'll cook your organs" but after this statement I concur.Thanks for being our guinea pig.