Point is not to make you feel
Like shit bro, but if you are at 20% body fat, seeing 0 gains in muscle off crossfit and diet is not in line with goals you have? You will feel like shit soon enough if you throw steroids into this mix now!! If you run any steroid without testosterone, you are really asking for a world of hurt!
This forum and people on it want those who choose to take training to next level to be of success. I started looking at getting some help from steroids because I have been hit by two cars and nearly every bone broken once and some twice! 218 broken fractures. 8 of them open, meaning bones were sticking out of my body through open wounds. Dude, I look like a fucking pincussion!
Steroids will not work for everyone and some can not tolerate them. I can see in my own future that at some point I will cut back once I get where I want to be. Building muscle helps strengthen bone and and that is goal of mine, to recover best I can.
People tend to give newbies shit, but do not let it stop you from asking any questions about what you need to know. Most here would rather see that than having to bail someone out of a really bad situation where they screwed themselves up by not knowing what they were doing. And now they have health problems and bad side effects!
For what is worth, I drove people nuts with my Trenbolone questions! I did my research, learned a lot online and then wanted to talk to those who have done it trying to get idea of what can be expected. Tren is harsh, fortunately I tolerate it well!
And this is coming from a medical student RN of Physical Therapy who does not believe patient care means the pharmacy can cure everything nor is it best choice!!! I do not want to be an old man in a wheelchair and I get if I can build muscle and strengthen my frame now? I take that into older age!
Steroids can be a godsend for many seeking out their benefits, BUT abuse them or do it wrong? Steroids will rip off your head and take a big shit down your neck!!! Do things right and you will get the pay off! This is not a miracle cure! Steroids are not big magic wand! You will work at bodybuilding even harder should you get to a point where you think you could be ready.
Am 56 and I love it at my age when others look me over and you know they is thinking, "Damn, I would like to get me some of that!" I will not pretend I do not enjoy it!
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