
Cramps and spasms


Active member
I think I'm pretty dehydrated, but anyone else experience this shit where you're just moving around and experience a tight ass cramp tying shoes, or simply washing off in the shower? Gonna drink some pickle juice here shortly to help with hydration...
Electrolyte Balance likely. More potassium rich foods and less sodium.

You can also add in taurine to help and you said yourself you are dehydrated which will definitely do it.
I agree with the posts...more water, potassium, and less sodium. However, the forearms are a rare place to get cramps. That is odd. Have you tried myofacial release? If not, buy a tool on Amazon (like this one -, and use it every OTHER day. Works great for all kinds of injuries as it breaks up the myofacial tissue and allows the tendons in the body to move more freely - releasing tension and letting them heal naturally. I used them on really bad golfer's elbow. It was the ONLY thing that made an improvement and eventually it went away. I've used it on hip flexor issues, shoulder issues, bicep tendonitis, etc. Great tool.
I get that shit in my calves and toes.. laying in bed and all of a sudden my toes curl(cramp) and get stuck there.. shits annoying lol

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Drink coconut water or some pomegranate juice or tart cherry. Prickly juice has a ton of sodium but that's about it. Although that would help if it's just a lack of sodium. I get them quite often myself. Stimulants make it more often for me.
Lol... damn. I forgot while I was out of town I was killing the ice coffee. I suck.

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For me personally excessive caffeine is the number one suspect for shitty cramps. I get them in my hands and arms. Make pinning pretty difficult
Lol, thanks for jump starting my rusty brain. Totally blanked on the coffees.

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Bro I've had them so bad they'll put me in the floor
Almost in tears,I'll be the first to admit it I don't drink
Enough water, I drink to much diet dew dam it
Hey bro for what it's worth I wrestled for many years.. what always worked are 2 things... pedalite and coconut water
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