
Could my SARMs be fake?


New member
Could the ones I bought be fake? They are both encapsulated; one, LGD and the other, a combination of ostarine and a plant based anabolic. It's been about a week and I've not noticed any difference. I'm taking 5 mg of the LGD and 65mg of the blend (don't know the break down). Any ideas?

Also, I take 300mg/week test cyp as HRT. Could that somehow be effecting this?
Could the ones I bought be fake? They are both encapsulated; one, LGD and the other, a combination of ostarine and a plant based anabolic. It's been about a week and I've not noticed any difference. I'm taking 5 mg of the LGD and 65mg of the blend (don't know the break down). Any ideas?

Also, I take 300mg/week test cyp as HRT. Could that somehow be effecting this?
300 mg of test for HRT ?? Good god that will put you around 2500 ng those are suprphysiological levels of course you may not notice a lot from a low dose of sarms your already on a mini steroid blast bro

Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
Could the ones I bought be fake? They are both encapsulated; one, LGD and the other, a combination of ostarine and a plant based anabolic. It's been about a week and I've not noticed any difference. I'm taking 5 mg of the LGD and 65mg of the blend (don't know the break down). Any ideas?

Also, I take 300mg/week test cyp as HRT. Could that somehow be effecting this?
Why is your trt so high? Are you self prescribing?

If you have capsule sarms it's highly unlikely you have anything legit at all
300 mg of test for HRT ?? Good god that will put you around 2500 ng those are suprphysiological levels of course you may not notice a lot from a low dose of sarms your already on a mini steroid blast bro

Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk

My free test is actually only at the upper end of normal, about 750 ng. My doctor prescribes it.
Could the ones I bought be fake? They are both encapsulated; one, LGD and the other, a combination of ostarine and a plant based anabolic. It's been about a week and I've not noticed any difference. I'm taking 5 mg of the LGD and 65mg of the blend (don't know the break down). Any ideas?

Also, I take 300mg/week test cyp as HRT. Could that somehow be effecting this?
bro, you are NOT taking sarms... first of all, they should not have ANY additives whatsoever and thats them basically giving you a prohormone and disguising it etc... get rid of that shit ASAP man

This was weeks ago I'm closer too 9 here

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7 % sure about that a true seven percent is amature local NPC stage ready . and not maintainable for most I'm about 7 right now and I'm 4 weeks out and down 2 about 1800 calories 200 grams of carbs.

Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm sure. I checked it last Saturday using calipers. Btw, which show are you doing?
Was supposed do the mid Florida classic but I may hold off till FL state and prep my wife for figure and do it together

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And calipers aren't accurate under 8 percent only place I can measure Is 1mm at my abdomin the rest closes fully no reading says I'm like 4 percent but I'm not delusional enough too thinknthats accurate I've been doing this long enough too use the mirror

Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
So, what about combining a SARM with my TRT? Would I still see results? Or would the effects of the SARM be drowned out by the test?
And calipers aren't accurate under 8 percent only place I can measure Is 1mm at my abdomin the rest closes fully no reading says I'm like 4 percent but I'm not delusional enough too thinknthats accurate I've been doing this long enough too use the mirror

Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk

Wow! I didn't know that. So, what can one use below 8%? Aside from water emersion.

Also, 1800 calories?? My God. I don't think I could handle that. How do you do your prep?
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