
Contest Prep (not the avg tho)


As some of you know, i've had a wild transformation from this past year and close to competing. I've recently found the venue and coach on assisting to get me there. (For those who live in the area it'll be in downtown SATX. more details tba). Contest day is Aug. 13th which gives me a solid 9 months for prep. Unfortunately i'm about to come off my cycle(blood work and review coming soon) and don't feel comfortable running what would be close to 3 back to back (as most wouldn't). I'm wanting to run a super clean lean bulk or heavy recomp. I personally think it's more than doable with discipline but hey, i might be wrong. I want to walk the stage at 185-190 @ 4% in Physique. i'm 170 @ 9% now 5'8in
Here is my logic:
1-20 test prop 400
1-20 EQ 800
1-6 tbol
5-20 masteron 800
OR winny 50 14-20 (HELP)
1-20 MK677 25 -- still deciding
Clen (still in debate)

I'm really not wanting to run tren. i feel this cycle is more on the easier side of compounds and will give me the necessary gains (lack of a better word) for me to come home with a trophy. originally it was going to be a 16 week but i felt 20 was less stressful. I'm uncertain of which would better suit my needs between winstrol or masteron. i am currently on winstrol and in all honesty i don't believe it's for me. i do see a noticeable difference but nothing vast. the sides are manageable but at times are unpleasant. which is why i'm leaning more towards mast. i would not think it's wise to run both however. my coach is wanting me to take clen towards the end to help with cutting which i am also uncertain if i want to take. i have a close friend who is currently on it that has helped drastically for his show but just i'm worrisome of the sides. All of this is still in discussion and i have a lot of time to decide although i will be placing my order on black friday [emoji857][emoji857]. I am wanting to know what the community thinks. what're you thoughts? do you have a better idea to scratch all of this? substitutions? i have an open mind and am eager to hear your responses!
follow this thread because as time comes closer i'll be posting updates from venue location for those whom live in the area, update pics and cycle experience.
as always, thank you all [emoji846]

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
I'll be following bro. What ester of mast will you be running?

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
What do you think of deca? I think it's an excellent Bulker and I could see it working well in your cycle at 200-300mg per week

I also think adding in lgd and RAD140 from would be a good idea as well

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
What do you think of deca? I think it's an excellent Bulker and I could see it working well in your cycle at 200-300mg per week

I also think adding in lgd and RAD140 from would be a good idea as well

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

you know man i've definitely thought about it i'm just afraid of getting too big in such a short amount time and i won't be able to clean it up.

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
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