Alright I made an account just to post this cause I am just one of those lurkers.
Basically at the end of this I am gonna ask for your opinions on why my genetic body disposition has seemed to change and what cycle you recommend for it. But I think the timeline and my history with compounds has something to do with it so its gonna be a long read but I would REALLY appreciate any advice or knowledge you may have to bestow upon me
18 years old:
got my hands on IDS Mass Tabs also known as Grow Tabs-> Double stacked pro hormone (halodrol and I think anadrol?) Anyways I was about 170 when I started those and I had been working out for 4 years until that point. I shot up to 192, had crazy strength, hardness, and cuts. I was loving it but I was also going crazy about diet, water intake, and supplements (casein at night, whey after workouts, carbs after workouts, 5-6 meals a day, Lecithin). Took my own PCT instead of the over the counter shit which I think really helped me keep my gains and I had really no side-affects what so ever.
19 years old:
End of my first year at college, i was still gaining muscle after the mass tabs and I looked great and really cut but still hard. Drank a lot and just shoved every bit of food I could down my throat cause it was college. Looked the ridiculously to cut for the amount of carbs I ate and drank. Got my hands on a Tren Prohormone clone and started it. 2 weeks in terrible trensomnia and trensweats. Absolutely could not sleep and I was such a newbie I didnt stay calm and research on fixes but instead completely shut it off and started running an over the Counter PCT (Novaplex) which I now know has no actual SERM in it. Got gyno. Not to bad but it hurt and I didnt take anything else for almost a year and my body seemed to be eating away at it even though thats not possible. AT THIS POINT my metabolism is seeming to slow down and i can't stay cut so I go on a huge carb cycling low carb diet all summer and I get in pretty good shape but nothing like after the Mass Tabs.
Sophomore year stay natural then dabble with some SARMS did some stack called TRITON along with MK-677 got hard gains from it no cuts though. Body is continuing to slow my metabolism down and im loosing abs and cuts everywhere getting more of a bloated and waterweight build. Trying to eat clean all year but I drank so much beer and sugary chaser.
Jumior year first half was spent in spain and 4 months over there makes you fucking fat. Holy shit. Tried to workout and run but schedule was tight and I was having to much fun. Come back in January and immidieatly get on my first REAL cycle. Test Prop 100mg EOD and Anavar 25mg AM and PM ED. I TURN INTO A FUCKING MEATBALL. Even with eating clean I just straight turn into a muscle hamster balloon animal that was bestfreind with fatbastard from Austin Powers. I could lift a ton and I looked really strong but I hated the water weight bloated look. Ran Clomid and Arimidex PCT but got some more gyno and my metabolism completely shut the hell down. Even with strict diets and cardio can't seem so drop weight and get anywhere near my younger self. Gym sessions suck from here on out and Im almost dreading going.
22: (current age)
Senior year, taking everything serious and trying to be super healthy with food and life decisions. Rarely drink, 3 meals a day on the Keto diet for a while and lost about 10 pounds but never could stay in Ketosis. Dropped that an now im just super low carb sitting at about 192. I look in shape and have muscle but I really want to just cut back down. I also have this issue where my stomach its self is bloated and pronounced and not flat anymore. I was thinking roidgut (haven't done enough though) or maybe I have siliacs or something type of intolerance I've developed. I am about to be out of college and I want to get super in shape run some marathons and just get back to being an alpha athlete.
SOOOO if you are still here help with these three questions:
Why did my body comp change and how can i fix that?
Did i fuck my metabolism over or have I just never gotten rid of estrogen and thats why I am bloated?
I want to cycle but I am very estrogen prone, I am toying with the idea of any compounds but mostly (winnie, tren, anavar, test cyp) can you suggest something to me.
Thanks for the read and please any opinions are appreciated! Thanks guys!
Basically at the end of this I am gonna ask for your opinions on why my genetic body disposition has seemed to change and what cycle you recommend for it. But I think the timeline and my history with compounds has something to do with it so its gonna be a long read but I would REALLY appreciate any advice or knowledge you may have to bestow upon me

18 years old:
got my hands on IDS Mass Tabs also known as Grow Tabs-> Double stacked pro hormone (halodrol and I think anadrol?) Anyways I was about 170 when I started those and I had been working out for 4 years until that point. I shot up to 192, had crazy strength, hardness, and cuts. I was loving it but I was also going crazy about diet, water intake, and supplements (casein at night, whey after workouts, carbs after workouts, 5-6 meals a day, Lecithin). Took my own PCT instead of the over the counter shit which I think really helped me keep my gains and I had really no side-affects what so ever.
19 years old:
End of my first year at college, i was still gaining muscle after the mass tabs and I looked great and really cut but still hard. Drank a lot and just shoved every bit of food I could down my throat cause it was college. Looked the ridiculously to cut for the amount of carbs I ate and drank. Got my hands on a Tren Prohormone clone and started it. 2 weeks in terrible trensomnia and trensweats. Absolutely could not sleep and I was such a newbie I didnt stay calm and research on fixes but instead completely shut it off and started running an over the Counter PCT (Novaplex) which I now know has no actual SERM in it. Got gyno. Not to bad but it hurt and I didnt take anything else for almost a year and my body seemed to be eating away at it even though thats not possible. AT THIS POINT my metabolism is seeming to slow down and i can't stay cut so I go on a huge carb cycling low carb diet all summer and I get in pretty good shape but nothing like after the Mass Tabs.
Sophomore year stay natural then dabble with some SARMS did some stack called TRITON along with MK-677 got hard gains from it no cuts though. Body is continuing to slow my metabolism down and im loosing abs and cuts everywhere getting more of a bloated and waterweight build. Trying to eat clean all year but I drank so much beer and sugary chaser.
Jumior year first half was spent in spain and 4 months over there makes you fucking fat. Holy shit. Tried to workout and run but schedule was tight and I was having to much fun. Come back in January and immidieatly get on my first REAL cycle. Test Prop 100mg EOD and Anavar 25mg AM and PM ED. I TURN INTO A FUCKING MEATBALL. Even with eating clean I just straight turn into a muscle hamster balloon animal that was bestfreind with fatbastard from Austin Powers. I could lift a ton and I looked really strong but I hated the water weight bloated look. Ran Clomid and Arimidex PCT but got some more gyno and my metabolism completely shut the hell down. Even with strict diets and cardio can't seem so drop weight and get anywhere near my younger self. Gym sessions suck from here on out and Im almost dreading going.
22: (current age)
Senior year, taking everything serious and trying to be super healthy with food and life decisions. Rarely drink, 3 meals a day on the Keto diet for a while and lost about 10 pounds but never could stay in Ketosis. Dropped that an now im just super low carb sitting at about 192. I look in shape and have muscle but I really want to just cut back down. I also have this issue where my stomach its self is bloated and pronounced and not flat anymore. I was thinking roidgut (haven't done enough though) or maybe I have siliacs or something type of intolerance I've developed. I am about to be out of college and I want to get super in shape run some marathons and just get back to being an alpha athlete.
SOOOO if you are still here help with these three questions:
Why did my body comp change and how can i fix that?
Did i fuck my metabolism over or have I just never gotten rid of estrogen and thats why I am bloated?
I want to cycle but I am very estrogen prone, I am toying with the idea of any compounds but mostly (winnie, tren, anavar, test cyp) can you suggest something to me.
Thanks for the read and please any opinions are appreciated! Thanks guys!