
Coming off TRT?


New member
Hey everyone,
looking for a bit of advice. long story short my doc diagnosed me with low test based on a few blood tests I've taken. they came around 150-250 range all 3 times throughout a seven month period. he told me to get on TRT.
the only problem is I'm 23.

he didn't even try to find out why I have low test. I ran a few pro hormones when I was 19-20 but I always used nolva and clomid when it was over for four weeks. fuck him and his trt I don't want to get on that forever. since I have low test I have been on two test e cycles only since I figured why not what's left to lose at this point. is there anything I can try to reboot my system? I've heard hcg + clomid? should I try another doctor? go somewhere else? trt to a 23 year old just seems like mal practice at this point I was pissed when he said that. on top of that he offered shitty androgel. I'm so annoyed. any help from anyone would be appreciated
It's not entirely unheard of. Men in general don't have as high of testosterone as they used to due to the estrogenic effects of everything they are exposed to in everyday life. It's there a reason why you don't want to go on TRT?

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Get a second opinion for sure. Start from there. blood is blood but they maybe be able to diagnose an issue to treat.
Hey everyone,
looking for a bit of advice. long story short my doc diagnosed me with low test based on a few blood tests I've taken. they came around 150-250 range all 3 times throughout a seven month period. he told me to get on TRT.
the only problem is I'm 23.

he didn't even try to find out why I have low test. I ran a few pro hormones when I was 19-20 but I always used nolva and clomid when it was over for four weeks. fuck him and his trt I don't want to get on that forever. since I have low test I have been on two test e cycles only since I figured why not what's left to lose at this point. is there anything I can try to reboot my system? I've heard hcg + clomid? should I try another doctor? go somewhere else? trt to a 23 year old just seems like mal practice at this point I was pissed when he said that. on top of that he offered shitty androgel. I'm so annoyed. any help from anyone would be appreciated

Go see an endocrinologist. You probably saw a family MD.Many have no clue about this field.
yes I want kids I. the future. and I don't want to die from using test for 40+ years lol
Trt doses are supposed to make you healthier than you are now, low test levels can be dangerous. Only reason people might die early is using too high of a "trt" dose for years and years putting their body under a lot of stress

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You need to go see a Different endo that knows what he's talking about bro. Somebody that will treat you appropriately
i would get a second and third opinion... i can tell you this, you never ran a proper pct running only clomid and nolva and that has likely caused this... not to mention, THIS is what happens when you use steroids too young so brother, PLEASE do not keep the attitude that you can just run test cycles and it does not matter... i know you now have changed your attitude but keep it that way or you are going to ruin your life man...
yes I want kids I. the future. and I don't want to die from using test for 40+ years lol

Bro that is crazy, if you have low T you are More likely to die due to the complications low testosterone can cause. TRT or bringing your levels up naturally will help save your life in reality. Overdoing TRT is what shortens lifespans.
There are a hundred TREATABLE causes for Low Testosterone...just because you have low testosterone doesn't automatically mean you need TRT
A competent endocrinologist will try to find out WHY you have low test and treat you accordingly

Especially at your age...TRT is the protocol of last resort...undertaken after all other options have been exhausted
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