Ok so I'm on week 5 today. I've been on a deca protocol by the legendary juice ninja drb! According to the legend a combination of sustanon,cyp,and deca is magical..don't ask me why the cyp cause Idk lol..but he swears by it! Also this protocol requires a ramp up theory..so I started at week one pinning 400 mg test n 200 mg deca and Dbol 30 mg ed...I've slowly ramped that up and as of this week I'll be at 900 mgs test n 600 mg deca. I'm dropping Dbol. According to drb deca kicks in around week 5 and by week 6 it's full steam. So I dropped Dbol in order to gauge sides and GAINS off the deca so there won't be any confusion. I've gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks I'm at 208 this morning. Well see if the doc knows his Shit or not lol. But I'm pretty confident at the moment. I'm a lil Leary as this I'd the first cycle I've done completely under the guidance and recommendation of someone else and not of my own design...but I'm excited to see what happens..stay tuned.
Also I'm leaving the test and deca at the above numbers for a while..if it shines and I feel good I'll leave it at that but there is a possibility I'll up it one more time to 1000 mg test n 800 deca. That's yet to be determined
Also I'm leaving the test and deca at the above numbers for a while..if it shines and I feel good I'll leave it at that but there is a possibility I'll up it one more time to 1000 mg test n 800 deca. That's yet to be determined