It technically can, but as said above, it is counter-productive in a normal healthy person trying to get back to baseline.
HCG MIMICS LH. It doesn't stimulate it back into life, it basically replaces it. So LH activity returns, but your natural LH production from pituitary to Leydig cells is still shut down and dead because there's something else (HCG) doing the job for it.
The idea is to use HCG throughout cycle or at the end, to raise this activity back up, and then remove the HCG and let your natural LH production kick back in to support it. Rather than not using it and having that strain of your natural LH production not only have to awaken, but also raise the levels up itself after being dormant so long.
There are people who use HCG in PCT, but what you'll find is that, like myself, they have existing issues that have already shut down their natural LH production. Their pituitary simply doesn't make LH, which means no signal to make testosterone, which means low testosterone. So coming off cycle, their LH is going to remain shut down in their natural state. These are people who are or should be on full time TRT, but for whatever reason if they want to take a break, that is why they use HCG while they are off.
But as said, a normal healthy person doesn't use HCG in PCT as it will keep you shut down, even though it brings back functioning.