


New member
Hello Dylan

I discovered you on YouTube and subscribed to your channel. Very informative.
What do you think of clenbutorol for a weight loss aide?

Thank you
Hello Dylan

I discovered you on YouTube and subscribed to your channel. Very informative.
What do you think of clenbutorol for a weight loss aide?

Thank you
It's not a great idea, and no steroid is a good idea for weight loss if your overweight. Gonna need more information to get you to where you want to go. Age, weight, height, bf% stuff like that.

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Hello Dylan

I discovered you on YouTube and subscribed to your channel. Very informative.
What do you think of clenbutorol for a weight loss aide?

Thank you

I wouldn't recommend touching Clen at all. It's a very dangerous drug with nasty side effects. There are far better and safer options out there for fat loss like sarms. I'd be happy to help you set up a cycle, but first we need to know your stats, goals, and experience

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I've got about 4 boxes of Clen at home that me and my girl refuse to touch. Kept me up all night and gave me heart problems at that was only at 20mcg a day. For some reason it also made me very angry, it had to be the Clen bcuz that was the only thing I was on at the time.

That being said, it absolutely does what it says it should do. We did lose weight but the sides were ridiculous.
for VERY EXPERIENCED users ONLY, don't touch it, go with an otc like cellucor super hd, diet is everything , plus clen isn't anything special, trust me i use it and the difference it makes isn't significant at all, stay away from it

PHARMACOM Head Board Rep
Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
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Hello Dylan

I discovered you on YouTube and subscribed to your channel. Very informative.
What do you think of clenbutorol for a weight loss aide?

Thank you

clenbuterol is dangerous and has harsh side effects. Clen is NOT made for weight loss. it is a bronchodilator. its original purpose has nothing to do with fat loss. that should be a red flag, abusing the drug for its fat burning capabilities is risky and reckless.
I wouldn't man.. Just put in the work. Whats your bf% anyway? Years training? I feel like 99.9% of the time people come across things like clen when they're struggling to lose weight from lack of knowledge with diet/training and then they turn to the internet looking for a quick "fix". This isn't what you need bud. Nothing beats solid training and nutrition.
Don't do it! Post up your stats like everyone asked for, if you are high in body fat then you diet and training program needs adjusted. Another possibility is a sarms stack, but no one can give you answers without posting your stats and goals.

In the zone killin' it!
I wouldn't man.. Just put in the work. Whats your bf% anyway? Years training? I feel like 99.9% of the time people come across things like clen when they're struggling to lose weight from lack of knowledge with diet/training and then they turn to the internet looking for a quick "fix". This isn't what you need bud. Nothing beats solid training and nutrition.

I agree. What's the point of even using it? First of all it's dangerous. Secondly what are you going to do run clen the rest of your life? if you don't have the proper training and diet the weight is just going to come back.
Hello Dylan

I discovered you on YouTube and subscribed to your channel. Very informative.
What do you think of clenbutorol for a weight loss aide?

Thank you

thank you for the support on my channel, i really appreciate it...

you should watch my videos on clen and you would know how i feel about it... i refuse to even advise on it... its a very dirty compound that causes long and short term damage and it renders no other qualities either... its not sustainable and its dangerous... it literally makes no sense to use...

sarms would be perfect for you... if your not familiar with sarms, start by reading my articles here...

here is a very strong stack for cutting for you.. i am giving you the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
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