


I know some people LOVE it and others hate it. What are you guys' thoughts/experience?

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It irritates a lot, u will be shivering all day and will feel a lil depressed and confused .
Rather buy a good fatburner

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i wont even discuss it with others... its a very dirty drug... it has short and long term effects that you absolutely do not want to encounter, i assure you... there's so much to NOT like about it, i dont know where to begin... i would avoid clen and t3 at all costs.. sarms absolutely crush these two in terms of overall effects, safety and sustainability.. its a no brainer
i wont even discuss it with others... its a very dirty drug... it has short and long term effects that you absolutely do not want to encounter, i assure you... there's so much to NOT like about it, i dont know where to begin... i would avoid clen and t3 at all costs.. sarms absolutely crush these two in terms of overall effects, safety and sustainability.. its a no brainer

Thank you! Which SARM would you use in place of Clen?

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I won't touch clen at all. The side effects on it are horrible and it's just really bad for your overall health. Besides that, I can get incredible results without the side effects by using sarms like S4, GW, and SR9009 along with throwing a little ECA in and have results that will blow clen and T3 away

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thank you! Which SARM would you use in place of Clen?

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GW and SR9009 would be the ones that would be the best for fat loss purposes

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I know some people LOVE it and others hate it. What are you guys' thoughts/experience?

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I used to like it too. Only 20mcg for 4 weeks and then do not use again for a year. The body gets used to it quickly, and it takes more and more to where you sick and shaky.
The FDA will not allow it in the USA. Do the eca stack + phenbuterol.
Thank you! Which SARM would you use in place of Clen?

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GW-501516, SR9009, S4

all are so much better options... FAR more effective and FAR safer.. let me know and i'll set you up a very strong cycle...
GW-501516, SR9009, S4

all are so much better options... FAR more effective and FAR safer.. let me know and i'll set you up a very strong cycle...

Interested in this. I PM'd one of the guys that sells SARMS but didn't see where he sold SR9009

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1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)

Since I've never used SARMS before, what kind of typical fat loss can I expect on this cycle if I do cardio everyday and eat a 600cal deficit, still lifting heavy? Also how long should I run it?

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typically for best results you wanna run for 12 weeks. I lost 40 lbs and about 15% bf last year in 4 months. eating in a deficit and cardio with weight lifting
typically for best results you wanna run for 12 weeks. I lost 40 lbs and about 15% bf last year in 4 months. eating in a deficit and cardio with weight lifting

I'm at about 12-13% body fat right now (was 17 % bf). Been eating at a deficit for 3 months.

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well I was on s4,gw and mk2866. it was before sr came out, however I am now on sr and even tho my diet has been a little funky I have still lost bf% so what they set you up with is gonna do you right, but it will be tough but im sure you can do it bro
I'm at about 12-13% body fat right now (was 17 % bf). Been eating at a deficit for 3 months.

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no matter what you run etc. it depends on YOU in terms of what you get out of it... if your dialed in with diet and training and then you add sarms, you can get HUGE results but your diet has to be keyed in more than anything, then comes the training THEN comes the compounds and results...
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