
Cheque Drops? Why would anyone use this ?


When I posted about Kimbo many were convinced he used this steroid. Why so confident he used this steroid? Was it known that he used cheque drops? Is this a new thing I have never heard of it until kimbo slice
Fuck no I wouldnt go near them, and I don't think anyone else should either. I don't understand any fascination with these harsh ass orals and compounds. I just don't get it
Cheque drops incite aggression and is common in the fighting, strongman and powerlifting communities. They are classified as AAS, but won't put muscle on you. Take too much and they WILL kill you they are so toxic. By too much I mean a few too many drops literally can shut your organs down for good.
They are dangerous if abused. Just like anything.

It's a drug used for aggression and explosive power. Nothing for muscle or any of that. If you wanted a "pissed off pill" this is it.

They have been around a long time. Used on dogs to put them in heat if I'm not mistaken. Could be a rumor though. I think it's called milberone. Lots of sources carry it. It's just not common amongst physique building athletes.

This is a warrior drug

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Everyone is going to continue to speculate about Kimbo but nobody here is the doctor who did the autopsy if they even did one... So....

Idk I've always been the type that believes unless you know 100% what your talking about you shouldn't telling people anything. I read so much bs on Facebook. Next up will be how Kimbo was probed by aliens.

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Kimbo has failed two different tests in his career. There is no doubt he juiced but I don't think he tested positive for cheque drops. Testosterone and Nandralone? Yes he was under bellator when he failed,

Almost all those guys test positive for Deca, fighters can develope injuries and bad joints.
These things will turn you from Bruce Banner into The Hulk but a super villain version. This stuff is for savagery only. I've had an inject version sitting upstairs for over a year that has been used one time. Brutal stuff.
Ya I tried to sign up at an mma gym the other day lol still 175 bucks a month though wich is actually not bad considering but seeing I'm leaving in 60 days no point. I will get back in it though soon. Get them cheque's rollin too lol.
Oh yeah, fighting in a cage or ring without rules can be some crazy shit, so there is nothing like getting all jacked up during the fight. Since it clears the system fast as well, it makes it popular with MMA fighters who are now under the scrutiny of rigid drug testing. For boxers, it is rumored that one legendary pro who already sported an attitude of a pit bull used this right before a major fight, where he mistook his opponent’s ear for a Big Mac.
Then you got Mike bitting ears off. Cant be sure he was poppin CD's but if I were a betting man I may throw some cash on that theory lol.
I'm a giant Tyson fan and that was where I first heard of Cheque Drops.

Im sure the vial I have will come in handy during a home invasion.
he had a pre existing condition... that has already been determined... who knows if he used cheque drops... he may have he may not have... they are very dangerous but he already had a condition... he may have sped up the process but when you have a condition already, there is obviously far greater risk... i have a new video on cheque drops coming soon that you dont want to miss when its out of editing...
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