
Change of plan !!!!!

Sabretooth spider monkey

New member
Hey guys, here's my scenario, original plan was to run gw to drop body fat from 18% to an appropriate level to start a test prop, tren ace cycle, anyway as some of you may know from my last post ther was a mix up with my order and I got lgd instead. Now that I have this unexpected surprise the test and tren are on the shelf for the time being lol. Now with lgds ability to put on good clean size and gw's endurance capabilities would this be a good combo to work with, I also have tbol to hand, first time using sarms guys so ur input and experience would be very much appreciated
LGD and GW are fine. If your desire is to loose weight, SARMS have nothing to do with it. Its your diet and training that dictate that.
Yeah tx I agree 100% about diet being the most important part bro that will be on point no doubt about that, but it's always nice to have a helping hand along the way lol, would just like to see wer the sarms take me lol
Hey guys, here's my scenario, original plan was to run gw to drop body fat from 18% to an appropriate level to start a test prop, tren ace cycle, anyway as some of you may know from my last post ther was a mix up with my order and I got lgd instead. Now that I have this unexpected surprise the test and tren are on the shelf for the time being lol. Now with lgds ability to put on good clean size and gw's endurance capabilities would this be a good combo to work with, I also have tbol to hand, first time using sarms guys so ur input and experience would be very much appreciated

i would definitely not add tbol to this whatsoever... your not in the proper condition for it and your NOT going to lose the weight and body fat you need if you add it.... its a very clean steroid for sure but its not even close to fitting into what your doing... what you really want to do here is add s4... here is the perfect layout for you to go with to get you ready for the cycle you want to run

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
LGD and GW are an awesome combo together. No need at all for Tbol. I also agree with Dylan that S4 would be a sweet addition to the stack as well to compliment your goals. You'll get a nice synergy between the three of them.

At any rate, you'll get some nice fat burning and endurance from the GW, and LGD is pretty nice for size and strength. It's dfnitely a well balanced and powerful combination
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