My Daughters wedding is Saturday and it's very casual outside pool part type wedding.
Some if not most of the people have not seen me in 34 years.
I'm on week 3 of PCT from a heavy sarms cycle, I feel really good and have never looked as lean as I am now...EVER!
Was wondering to max out my size to show off..LOL...should I carb load heavy for the next 2 days or just maintain as not to get flat or bloated....thanks!
Some if not most of the people have not seen me in 34 years.
I'm on week 3 of PCT from a heavy sarms cycle, I feel really good and have never looked as lean as I am now...EVER!
Was wondering to max out my size to show off..LOL...should I carb load heavy for the next 2 days or just maintain as not to get flat or bloated....thanks!