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do I use dostinex during my deca cycle or part of my pct. thanks
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Dude... No. If you don't know that basic thing than you're not ready for deca

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We need your full stats bro. Height, weight, bodyfat, cycle history, pct, diet, goal from this cycle

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What are your stats? Age, height, weight, bf%. Your questions makes it appear that you may not be ready for deca. You should have a very good understanding of what caber does especially when considering using it. I don't think anyone should put things into their body without an understanding.
do I use dostinex during my deca cycle or part of my pct. thanks

Caber hers used anytime you use a nandrolone for prolactin protection. For you to ask a question on that makes me wonder the research you've done and whether not you should even be on a cycle. What is your full stats, experience, and goals?
you should not be using steroids... you called caber a food and you don't even know you need it... a caper is something you eat... if you don't know you need to use it with tren and deca, brother, no way on the planet earth you should be using them.. that's as basic as it gets so what about the more advanced areas?
I realize caper is a food, it was a simple misprint. yes I'm fairly new to the gear world but i have run a cycle before with limited results because of my lack of research. I have spent weeks watching your videos and talking with people running cycles just to get 10 different answers from 10 different people. all I'm trying to do is fine tune my knowledge so I can maximize my gains without sacrificing my health. isn't this the whole reason for this forum, to help educate people? I'm 40 yrs old 6'3" 170 lbs. with 30% body fat. as stated earlier I ran sust/deca 2 yrs ago with no pct. I know crazy!!! my goal is to add some muscle to my slender frame! I have my sust/deca already (Rugby) just trying to fine tune my pct.
I realize caper is a food, it was a simple misprint. yes I'm fairly new to the gear world but i have run a cycle before with limited results because of my lack of research. I have spent weeks watching your videos and talking with people running cycles just to get 10 different answers from 10 different people. all I'm trying to do is fine tune my knowledge so I can maximize my gains without sacrificing my health. isn't this the whole reason for this forum, to help educate people? I'm 40 yrs old 6'3" 170 lbs. with 30% body fat. as stated earlier I ran sust/deca 2 yrs ago with no pct. I know crazy!!! my goal is to add some muscle to my slender frame! I have my sust/deca already (Rugby) just trying to fine tune my pct.

bro, you cannot use steroids at 30% body fat... that is over 1/4 fat bro... you need to be less than half of that to run a cycle... even the stupidest person on the planet would not recommend steroid use to you... what i don't understand is how you only weight 170 lbs at 6'3" yet have that much body fat... what do you eat every day?
Your stats are,pretty much physiologically impossible, but regardless you have no business messing with steroids right now. You are a long ways off of having a proper natural foundation built. You need to reevaluate your dieting strategy
sorry guys its 10% thanks though, just looking for some tips, suggestions, etc. ill take your comments in consideration.
Even at 10% bf, being only 170 at 6'3" is quite undersized. You really should put major focus on nutrition. Foundation is everything.
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