
Canceling water retention


New member
Hey guys, been thinking about this. Can something that's a pretty dry sarm reduce or eliminate the water weight from say LGD?

I know ppl used to run rad/lgd, but not sure if I remember if this was why.
a few things...

lgd should not be giving you a significant amount of water weight at all... more of that is diet related than anything... there is no estrogen conversion there at all...

as far as sarms keeping you dry.. yes, s4 and acp105 have on of their primary benefits as muscle hardening which of course brings on dryness as well as gw505156 and sr9009 which are both speeding metabolism and increasing endurance, both of which are used for fat loss.. s4 has always been one of my favorites stacked with lgd...
If your trying to get rid of water I would suggest dandelion root and increased potassium as well as celery powder those are all natural diuretics and I use dandelion root when I’m hiking to much water all the time just be ready to pee a lot but works fast.
Thanks, I dont have any WR, I was just bouncing around the idea of lgd and how to stay less puffy, some bros on reddit mentioned water retention. Although they may have been slipped PHs not LGD.
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