Hello , i just wanna know what you wise guys honestly think. Can you keep your steroid earned gains. There is lot of debate that steroids only expand your muscle cells and dont actually creat new tissue . And others say you creat permanent tissue wich helps you even when you come off.. Sorry if my explenation was bad.
But what do you guys think. Im just a guy who tries to get to his natural limit quicker. lets say my natural limit is 90 kg of 10% bf im 6 ft tall.
Im currently on test and eq cycle wich will be 18 week cycle. Im 95 kg right now i have fat im like 14-15% right now im going to bulk to 100KG and then cut the last 6-8 weeks. to really get my bodyfat down to single digits without losing muscles. Then before coming to pct im gona go into little surplus of calories, because i try to maintain as much as possible. Just dont want to get out of cycle fat. and then add more fat when hormones recover.
Im going to do Full PCT , i have everything on hand. Nolva, Clomid, HCG, Ostarine, Cardarine. Cardarine i have 8 weeks so i extend it . After that cycle i try to do RickRock Recomp. (training days 400kcal surplus, off days 400kcal deficit.) And also intermittend fast 16/8 . My point is not get As huge as possible, cause then i would have to take test just to maintain. I dont want that. I want to Later tryto be as good natural as i can or mabey try sarms also.
What do you think guys is it achievable? Just my first bad pct fucks my head up. thinking im gona lose everything like the first time. Not everything but big majority of it. this time i would love to get ripped.
But what do you guys think. Im just a guy who tries to get to his natural limit quicker. lets say my natural limit is 90 kg of 10% bf im 6 ft tall.
Im currently on test and eq cycle wich will be 18 week cycle. Im 95 kg right now i have fat im like 14-15% right now im going to bulk to 100KG and then cut the last 6-8 weeks. to really get my bodyfat down to single digits without losing muscles. Then before coming to pct im gona go into little surplus of calories, because i try to maintain as much as possible. Just dont want to get out of cycle fat. and then add more fat when hormones recover.
Im going to do Full PCT , i have everything on hand. Nolva, Clomid, HCG, Ostarine, Cardarine. Cardarine i have 8 weeks so i extend it . After that cycle i try to do RickRock Recomp. (training days 400kcal surplus, off days 400kcal deficit.) And also intermittend fast 16/8 . My point is not get As huge as possible, cause then i would have to take test just to maintain. I dont want that. I want to Later tryto be as good natural as i can or mabey try sarms also.
What do you think guys is it achievable? Just my first bad pct fucks my head up. thinking im gona lose everything like the first time. Not everything but big majority of it. this time i would love to get ripped.