I honestly wonder how these people function, and what their day to day life is like.
My dick and libido started playing up at 400.
My life was literally destroyed at 300. Zero energy, couldn't think straight, horrendous anxiety, looked like a walking zombie.
There are studies and anecdotes out there which suggest that anything below even 600 and 500 is not ideal and problems begin. But 62. Jesus christ.
I'm a self prescriber, also. Originally saw arguably one of the best endo's in Sydney to get my bloods done and begin the process, but not only was he $350 a visit, but he wanted to trial everything under the sun first - most of which I had already tried - before just making the leap to full blown Test therapy.
So, now I just do check ups and bloods with my local GP and take care of the rest myself, with his help.
Best way to do TRT? Well, if I could only say in 3 lines.
1. With injections and at least once a week. None of this every fortnight BS.
2. By controlling E2 Estrogen. Raising Test is easy. Controlling E2 is not as easy.
3. By using bloods and adjusting to suit. No guesswork.