Just wondering if I were able to start my pct with Ostarine for 4 weeks after let’s say a 12 week cycle of LGD and RAD. I know people do this with steroid cycles but I’m just wondering if this would work with sarms cycle
Just wondering if I were able to start my pct with Ostarine for 4 weeks after let’s say a 12 week cycle of LGD and RAD. I know people do this with steroid cycles but I’m just wondering if this would work with sarms cycle
Just wondering if I were able to start my pct with Ostarine for 4 weeks after let’s say a 12 week cycle of LGD and RAD. I know people do this with steroid cycles but I’m just wondering if this would work with sarms cycle
Not really, as even Ostarine can be slightly surpressive.
Best to take a full eight weeks off of the SARMS (4 wk PCT + 4 wks totally off everything) to give your body time to "clean itself up" and for your receptors to be ready for the next SARMS "go-round".