Someone with super knowledge of SARMS (aka Dylan maybe) needs to jump on the thread on the popular Bulletproof forum. Dave wrote a great article https://blog.****************/sarms-increase-muscle-growth-200/ on SARMS and even link to the SARMSX site but a lot of people saying a lot of innacurrate trash (wrong dosing plans, no consideration for nutrition adjustments when on SARMS, oral pills vs liquids being used, talk of PEG chemicals in SARMS, and much more). I'm too new to be credible - but I've done a ton of research so far and there is a lot of people being directed in wrong directions over there - and it's a reputable site - so lots of valid future SARMS customers.
Would love to see some folks with knowledge from this forum jump in.
Would love to see some folks with knowledge from this forum jump in.