
building muscle on AI

it will be very hard brother, some estrogen is necessary for muscle growth, estrogen is very touchy, too much and youre fucked, too little and your fucked, just the way the dice rolls brother .
anyway why are you on 2.5 letro, trying to rid gyno?

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
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yes I had some preexisting gyno from my teen years.
So would you suggest cutting instead or should I just try to maintain
yes I had some preexisting gyno from my teen years.
So would you suggest cutting instead or should I just try to maintain

well bulking wouldn't be a good idea, i personally would eat maintenance calories in this situation, i also hope you know what your doing with the letro cycle brother, how many weeks have you been on and how many weeks are you running it?

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
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I was just curious what should I do in training Im planning in taking the letro ralox and nolva anti gyno protocol recommended by Dylan
I was just wondering how should i set up my training should I try to cut or just maintain while on it
You should treat this whole scenario just like a pct, where you don't really expect to gain during this phase, but fight your ass off to keep everything you have
You should treat this whole scenario just like a pct, where you don't really expect to gain during this phase, but fight your ass off to keep everything you have
exactly.. this is a perfect scenario to add GW501516 and MK2866 alongside... the scenario demands it
exactly.. this is a perfect scenario to add GW501516 and MK2866 alongside... the scenario demands it

definitely GW50156, he is going to feel horrid during this from lethargic to flat, definitely needs the GW in there to combat cortisol that's going to have a field day with him on this cycle without GW, can't go wrong with MK either since his joints arnt going to be quite happy with no water from estrogen lubin em up!

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
Official Distributor since 2008
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exactly.. this is a perfect scenario to add GW501516 and MK2866 alongside... the scenario demands it

I couldn't agree more. Both of those will help tremendously with retaining gains and lowering cortisol, and would fit perfectly
ok Im adding GW then I already ordered curcumin with bioperine for joints and collagen with cissus so should I add ostarine im kind of person that puts size easily thats and why I never took any gear i would probably maintain muscle anyway im going to take higher dosage of vitamin c about 6 grams and some high dosage of l dopa
ok Im adding GW then I already ordered curcumin with bioperine for joints and collagen with cissus so should I add ostarine im kind of person that puts size easily thats and why I never took any gear i would probably maintain muscle anyway im going to take higher dosage of vitamin c about 6 grams and some high dosage of l dopa
yes, ostarine would be an excellent addition and you can use it in a variety of ways... this is the perfect scenario for it bro... thats why i recommended it for you... i only recommend whats the best for your situation...
ok thanks Dylan I am finishing my second month of epicatechin and laxogenin cycle in 3 weeks and then Im jumping on it thanks a lot. like your videos very informative
ok thanks Dylan I am finishing my second month of epicatechin and laxogenin cycle in 3 weeks and then Im jumping on it thanks a lot. like your videos very informative
anytime bro, im happy to help... make sure if you have any questions to let me know and i got you!
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