Looking for advice on bridge cycle. Good idea or bad? Coming off 12 week cycle of 400 mg of test e per week and last 4 weeks with 60mg of anavar per day. Have my pct of clomid / Ostarine to run next. I’ve never bridged a cycle before but read sarms are a good idea to run after pct. coming off a 12 week cycle, is it proper to run my pct then the remaining of the 12 weeks on a sarm cycle than I can go right back on test? Or am I missing something?
205 lbs
Appx 12% bf
Lifting for 6 years steady
Currently ending 2nd cycle done of test and done many of sarms previously.
205 lbs
Appx 12% bf
Lifting for 6 years steady
Currently ending 2nd cycle done of test and done many of sarms previously.