
Brand new to sarms


Hey brand new to sarms looking to start my first cycle on them just wondering what you suggest. I am 25 years old been lifting 3 years now. had my ups and downs hit a rut recently hurt my shoulder... put on some fat and have been out of the gym for 3 weeks looking to get back into 5 days a week like i use to and hope the sarms will help.. I have been looking through post notice alot of talk about the super stack but am not looking to drop that much money into my first try at this. Just wondering what two would be suggested and i notice it says to get clomid for a pct can i get that from Pure? or would i have to look elsewhere thanks for the help.. I will post logs once i do decide what im doing and show results..
Hey brand new to sarms looking to start my first cycle on them just wondering what you suggest. I am 25 years old been lifting 3 years now. had my ups and downs hit a rut recently hurt my shoulder... put on some fat and have been out of the gym for 3 weeks looking to get back into 5 days a week like i use to and hope the sarms will help.. I have been looking through post notice alot of talk about the super stack but am not looking to drop that much money into my first try at this. Just wondering what two would be suggested and i notice it says to get clomid for a pct can i get that from Pure? or would i have to look elsewhere thanks for the help.. I will post logs once i do decide what im doing and show results..

A good safe bet that has been proven very effective over time is the triple stack, if you are trying to save a little money. I would recommend at least going with that. Especially with the huge sales they have been having at pure essence. Until midnight tonight there is a flash sale going for 20% off using code flash20 that also includes stacks and bundles bro!

Here is the protocol

Triple stack

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

PCT Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20,g per day
Hey brand new to sarms looking to start my first cycle on them just wondering what you suggest. I am 25 years old been lifting 3 years now. had my ups and downs hit a rut recently hurt my shoulder... put on some fat and have been out of the gym for 3 weeks looking to get back into 5 days a week like i use to and hope the sarms will help.. I have been looking through post notice alot of talk about the super stack but am not looking to drop that much money into my first try at this. Just wondering what two would be suggested and i notice it says to get clomid for a pct can i get that from Pure? or would i have to look elsewhere thanks for the help.. I will post logs once i do decide what im doing and show results..

i have a perfect layout for you... rick gave a very strong stack but i think you should take it one step further...

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Thanks for both cycles what exactly is DAA? and like i said where am i able to get clomid? i am going to order tonight i just want everything sorted out before i jump the gun thanks again !!
Thanks for both cycles what exactly is DAA? and like i said where am i able to get clomid? i am going to order tonight i just want everything sorted out before i jump the gun thanks again !!

Clomid will be available at pure essence later this week. DAA you can get pretty much anywhere online. It is d aspartic acid used for boosting testosterone.
Alright I guess I will wait it out till Thursday to make my final choice thank you for the advice. I am going to order something just need to decide whats best Thanks again
I also just saw the preview to the new stacks with the pct cycle also.. I am going to wait it out a little they all sound crazy and worth trying
I also just saw the preview to the new stacks with the pct cycle also.. I am going to wait it out a little they all sound crazy and worth trying

Those stacks are solid and really put together well. They take the guess work out for someone who isn't as familiar with proper protocols. You just have to decide what your after in terms of end results you are looking to achieve.
I also just saw the preview to the new stacks with the pct cycle also.. I am going to wait it out a little they all sound crazy and worth trying

those stacks will all be on sale for halloween.. theres quite an extensive list... it all depends on your goals to what you choose but there's an option for an option for an option... meaning... your goals fit somewhere there!
Hey brand new to sarms looking to start my first cycle on them just wondering what you suggest. I am 25 years old been lifting 3 years now. had my ups and downs hit a rut recently hurt my shoulder... put on some fat and have been out of the gym for 3 weeks looking to get back into 5 days a week like i use to and hope the sarms will help.. I have been looking through post notice alot of talk about the super stack but am not looking to drop that much money into my first try at this. Just wondering what two would be suggested and i notice it says to get clomid for a pct can i get that from Pure? or would i have to look elsewhere thanks for the help.. I will post logs once i do decide what im doing and show results..

The stack that Rickrock and Dylan mentioned for you is the same one that i am almost finished with. The tripple stack. I have seen great results. My log is located on here feel free to check it out.

I also just saw the preview to the new stacks with the pct cycle also.. I am going to wait it out a little they all sound crazy and worth trying

The new stacks open up a lot of different possibilities to be tailor made to your specific needs and goals. There's a lot of nice options, and there will be a sweet sale to go along with the release as well :)
Hey brand new to sarms looking to start my first cycle on them just wondering what you suggest. I am 25 years old been lifting 3 years now. had my ups and downs hit a rut recently hurt my shoulder... put on some fat and have been out of the gym for 3 weeks looking to get back into 5 days a week like i use to and hope the sarms will help.. I have been looking through post notice alot of talk about the super stack but am not looking to drop that much money into my first try at this. Just wondering what two would be suggested and i notice it says to get clomid for a pct can i get that from Pure? or would i have to look elsewhere thanks for the help.. I will post logs once i do decide what im doing and show results..
Welcome to the forum, bro. Both Rick and Dylan have covered everything for you perfectly. There are a lot of new and really exciting stacks coming Thursday. Keep us posted which route you take.
The stack that Rickrock and Dylan mentioned for you is the same one that i am almost finished with. The tripple stack. I have seen great results. My log is located on here feel free to check it out.


yes, i HIGHLY recommend reading emporers log... he has done a tremendous job and wrote a nice log... definitely check it out
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