
BPC-157 to heal my foot


Active member
Hey guys,

About 3 months ago I twisted / rolled my ankle.
I went to the clinic and apparently it wasn't broken, they told me I just overstretched some ligament.
The pain on the ligament passed, however I got inherited flat feet and ever since I was a teenager I struggled with pain on the inner side of my left foot especially.
In fact, a "bone" grew out of my mind on the inner side of it, it looks kind of odd and sometimes it gets red and inflamed.
However this time it got completely red and inflamed again, and it hasn't stopped hurting for the last three months.
During the last three months I've only been able to run for a couple of steps thrice...
It's summer and when I'm walking down the streets I have to limp.
I can't stand it anymore, I've seen a bunch of specialists in the past but all they'll do is scan it and tell me there is nothing fractures and that I could wear some soles, however these soles are "too" stabilizing and make my feet even weaker than they are already (remind you I have flat feet).

Now should I invest in some BPC-157? Seriously, should I give it a try?
I only have so much money and actually I don't wanna take too many unknown foreign "weird unnatural" compounds...
But maybe I should give it a try.
How much should I take and how often?
I'm checking Dylan Gemelli's video out right now!

Thanks in advance
You need to go to a specialist who deals with athletes the problem is you're going to people who are used to dealing with old people so they're not too familiar with sports injuries
I'm not going to speculate on what I think is going on here but I have an idea but again you need to go to a specialist
Stevesmi is right
Yes, it will be require seeing a lot of different docs I already know... At this point I can't take a single solid normal step at all.
But I'm still walking many miles everyday to get some movement. Doesn't help, but if I rest it "too much" and then step on it again, sometimes it's even worse.
The bone won't shrink, it developed like since I was a teenager, 12-ish I'd say...
I'm getting the BPC 157 soon and I took an appointment with a doctor
Eventually, I will be able to walk and run normally again.
In the mean time I look like a kind of jacked very athletic guy who limps around pissed off that he can't just walk normally, makes me even more intimidating ahahahah
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