
Blood work

These were taken three weeks post pct. Last cycle three weeks out my test was 517. What was supposed to a 16 week cycle cutt to 12 because of a medical condition.

Phurious Pharma Representative
PM me for a price list or any questions and use promo code BB5 for 5% discount

I usually do not run post blood work until 3-4 months post cycle to make sure i do not get recovery time and actually having low level issues confused. Ive noticed that even with an extended pct of 6-8 weeks that i can take 3-4 months to fully recover. When i was younger i was able to recover in 3-4 weeks no problem, now takes a while longer. And if im reading this correctly you are only 3 weeks post pct and i am assuming that you only ran a 4 week pct so that would be a month and 3 weeks only. Remember what may take 1 person 1-2 months to recover could take another person 3-4 months to fully recover, these time frames vary person to person, dosage while on cycle and duration related.
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I plan on it brotha. Just wantimg some honest advice about my test levels at this point. Thank you my man

Phurious Pharma Representative
PM me for a price list or any questions and use promo code BB5 for 5% discount

I'm in my late 40s and have been tracking Test levels for the last 8 years or so. I've noticed a steady decline from when I was in my early 40s till last year (25-50 points per year) until my T bottomed out at around 425. It was a gradual decline – so I can't say I felt different at that number then when it was in the upper 500s – but it definitely started to effect me a little bit – lack of libido, tiredness, etc. I started researching this and began taking some vitamin D supplements – and I also gave up soy milk (lowers T apparently) and I ended up with the highest T I recorded at about 660 last year. The reason I mention all of this is that when I was in the low 400s – I sought medical opinions about going on TRT as well and did my own research – and I decided against it (or rather – I decided to try a couple of natural remedies – and see how things went - because I didn't want to have to deal with a lifetime of this stuff). If my T levels ever dropped below 400 oor continued to decline, then I probably would do it. The point is – I think you probably have to monitor this over a longer period – say several months to a year to see which direction your T levels are headed and make a decision based on that.

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