Got my labs back today and my test level is only 1674 as apposeed to when I got bloods done 3 weeks in and they were 1634. I am 8 weeks in to my test only cycle. For the first two weeks I was on only 100-200mg of Test a week the. I bumped it up and additional 250 to 300 a week and my test level is only 40 points higher WTF?
My hemoglobin is high so my doctor wants e to go donate blood it’s at 19.00 and my estradiol is at 17 even tho I feel gyno is it possible the test was just totally botched???
My hemoglobin is high so my doctor wants e to go donate blood it’s at 19.00 and my estradiol is at 17 even tho I feel gyno is it possible the test was just totally botched???