Guys I'm coming off a blast of test and Deca finished at 500/300 and have been cruising at just under 200mg test for 3 weeks. Last two weeks I've had acne flare up on back and shoulders is this just from the change in harmonal axis? I had bloods done near the end of my cycle test was 3200 estro was 18 so pretty much perfect, I was taking 25mg aromasin eod. I have been taking 12.5 e3d for the last three weeks so I should be pretty solid on estro. I want to go ahead and get bloods done in the next week or so to confirm Everything is g2g. I was blasting 250 test cyp and 250 prop so the prop should have been gone(long story why I was using prop w the cyp), I usually use cyp exclusively. How long does it take for the acne to clear up? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks