
Blast and Cruise, Newbe Questions


New member
I'm late 30s, 6ft, 195 lbs, 15% BF

I'm currently on TRT, 120mg Test Cyp E7D. I'm interested in doing a blast and then going back to cruise at my replacement dose. I was considering upping my test cyp to 500mg a week split into two doses. I figure I'd run this blast for 10-12 weeks.

So my questions are:

Is just upping my test enough or should I add something else like Deca?

I will check bloods during and I'm only planning on adding an AI if I need to, does this sound right?

How many times can I blast in a year safely, I was thinking 2 blasts per year?

My goal is to put on as much lean muscle without having to worry about excessive side effects. I'm not looking to get to monster status I just want to improve overall body composition. Muscular and lean is my goal, 200 lbs at 10% BF would probably be ideal.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!
You and I have a ton of similarities. Same age and relatively close on build and trt schedule and similar goals. What I chose to do for my first blast was simply 350 milligrams test per week and then later, after i dropped back down to trt, adding a low dose of deca. I'm glad I did it this way because when you change only one variable you can better determine the effects on you.

For stable blood levels I inject 2x week and I plan on 2 blasts per year.

Make sure you have the AI on hand. I would guess most guys need it.
You and I have a ton of similarities. Same age and relatively close on build and trt schedule and similar goals. What I chose to do for my first blast was simply 350 milligrams test per week and then later, after i dropped back down to trt, adding a low dose of deca. I'm glad I did it this way because when you change only one variable you can better determine the effects on you.

For stable blood levels I inject 2x week and I plan on 2 blasts per year.

Make sure you have the AI on hand. I would guess most guys need it.

I agree bro.
Not so high up on your test. Just jump it to 300 test and add the 200 deca. You will feel good, well being, soothed joints and enjoy the magic of test/deca.
At about 4-6 weeks the deca will kick, yet you will not know t unitl you go to the gym. Been doing 4olb dumbell curls? Well around week 5 you will pick up a 40 and feel like you could throw it at the wall. Time to add weight to your routine.Not too much weight that hurts your tendons. Just add something even if it is sets/reps.
I agree with Jake. 300-400 test with 200 deca would treat you great. Keep up the aromasin dose at 12.5mg eod

I personally do 2 blasts per year at around 12-14 weeks a piece and cruise the rest which is about the same amount of time

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
This all sounds good but AI on hand (NO) run it with your test elevated too superphysiological levels your estradiol will elevate also 12.5 mg eod should be plenty at that dose and hell it will help lean you out and give you a harder look .But 90 percent of the side effects of having superphysiological testosterone levels are tied too raised estrogen . keep that in the normal range and most of the risk is eliminated .
Thanks for the feedback. So here's my revised blast:

150 Test Cyp every 3rd day
200 Deca weekly
Aromasin if needed 12.5 eod

Should the Deca be dosed twice weekly as well?
Can I go lighter on the Deca and still get good results (100 - 150)
Any value to adding HCG to this?
Should I wait for bloods or just introduce the AI right away.

Your knowledge is much appreciated gentlemen.
Okay I'll chime here on this one. Since I am on doctor prescribed trt I don't like to increase my test at all. Since I am dialed in with my test and my estradiol is within range and perfect, I only like to add the DECA. 200 milligrams per week. So basically I'm on 200 milligrams of test and 200 milligrams of deca. And I'll run that most of the year maybe just take 6 weeks off. Love it that way. All the magic that Jake described above is there!

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Thanks for the feedback. So here's my revised blast:

150 Test Cyp every 3rd day
200 Deca weekly
Aromasin if needed 12.5 eod

Should the Deca be dosed twice weekly as well?
Can I go lighter on the Deca and still get good results (100 - 150)
Any value to adding HCG to this?
Should I wait for bloods or just introduce the AI right away.

Your knowledge is much appreciated gentlemen.

Noramally you want your test to be a little higher than the deca.I think you may be close enough though,but 150 deca would be more ideal. You don't have to dose anything here twice per week.That is up to you. Many many guys dose once per week.
im on trt as well and i generally only raise my test slightly... im probably running it at my max now at 300 mg per week... generally i stay around 250 but i raised it just a bit with tren to keep them even... 300/300 but on my last cruise, i ran deca and test at 150/150 with primo at 200 and it was literally the best cycle i have ever ran and it wasn't even a true cycle, it was a cruise... jake laid it out perfect and i also love the approach from totalpackage... you have some great advice here and i would definitely follow it...

as far as "how many" blasts... that comes down to how long your blasting... if your only blasting 8 weeks at a time with short esters, you obviously can run more but if your running longer estered blasts, say 16 weeks, then you need 16 weeks to recover... the difference with trt is you dont have to factor in an extra 6 weeks of esters clearing and pct... so you can do more... it all depends on length but 2-3 per year is plenty
Yes I agree... Great info...

For my last blast I did Test Cyp 400 and when I went back to cruise I did 150/150 Test / Deca. I gained more weight on the 400 Test but with the 150/150 Test / Deca it was more of a recomp. I also felt better on the Test /Deca. I'm going to keep cruising for a while on 200 Test only and my next blast I'm thinking about 300/300 Test / Deca or 200/200 Test / Tren. I'm older (45) so I don't do any crazy dosages and I'm happy.

Pharma Lady Rep
Thanks for the feedback. So here's my revised blast:

150 Test Cyp every 3rd day
200 Deca weekly
Aromasin if needed 12.5 eod

Should the Deca be dosed twice weekly as well?
Can I go lighter on the Deca and still get good results (100 - 150)
Any value to adding HCG to this?
Should I wait for bloods or just introduce the AI right away.

Your knowledge is much appreciated gentlemen.
So you are basically planning a little over 300 per week test if you are doing 150 every 3 days. I don't see a problem at all with your plan for your blast doing that

If you are already splitting the test twice per week, might as well split the deca dose too in my opinion

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Yeah 2-3 blasts is plenty. If going test only, 400-500 is good. IF adding deca do 300 test, 200-300 deca IMO.
So you are basically planning a little over 300 per week test if you are doing 150 every 3 days. I don't see a problem at all with your plan for your blast doing that

If you are already splitting the test twice per week, might as well split the deca dose too in my opinion

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

I agree with rick. Just dose both 2x per week at the same time.
So both deca and test in the same pin? Is it ok to mix like this or should these be separate.

you can mix anything you want in your pins bro... we would all be voodoo dolls if we took everything separate... can you imagine some of us that run 3-4 different compounds? that just wouldnt work... you can combine whatever you want
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