I'm 42 years old, just started doing cycles 2 years ago. I followed your advice and am happy to say things have been going great. Started test only, then test and an oral, etc. So, thank you for all your advice.
Onto my problem. I have low t, before I started my first cycle I had my hormone levels tested and my test was 90 , yes 90. I had pellets put in, stated my cycle a few months later. I've been cruising at 150mg a week between cycles. I have nolva, aromasin and clomid for a pct, but I'm scared to stop cruising. Even on blast I have a hard time with erections, and that was simply not happening when my t was 90. So, should I just bite the bullet and do a pct even though I have low t? I would really appreciate your thoughts.
Onto my problem. I have low t, before I started my first cycle I had my hormone levels tested and my test was 90 , yes 90. I had pellets put in, stated my cycle a few months later. I've been cruising at 150mg a week between cycles. I have nolva, aromasin and clomid for a pct, but I'm scared to stop cruising. Even on blast I have a hard time with erections, and that was simply not happening when my t was 90. So, should I just bite the bullet and do a pct even though I have low t? I would really appreciate your thoughts.