
Betaine Facts...


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Betaine HCL is a powerful digestive aid and muscle builder. There are two types of betaine and both have been shown to help improve your health. Betaine is available as both betaine hydrochloride (betaine HCL) and as betaine anhydrous, also known as trimethylglycine (TMG). Both are forms of betaine, but betaine HCL should not be taken on an empty stomach because of the HCL attachment. However, when taken with meals, betaine HCL is able to perform its full function with you feeling perfectly fine. Betaine HCL is a powerful digestive aid, donating hydrochloric acid to the stomach to help break down proteins and meals. Betaine anhydrous is derived from choline and has been shown to lower homocysteine levels, which in turn enhances creatine uptake in the muscles. Here is a full list of benefits observed from betaine supplementation:

Oxidation of fatty acids (lipolysis, aka fat loss)
Increases SAM-e levels in the brain
Improves intestinal health
Protects liver and kidneys
Helps Prevent osteoporosis, cardiovascular thrombosis and arthroscleroris

Betaine HCL

Multiple studies have also linked betaine to enhanced power output in athletes, mostly in terms of anaerobic strength performance. These athletes saw increases in their squat, bench press and bike pedaling power when supplementing with betaine. Because of these positive studies, many companies have started throwing betaine in their protein powders and creatine mixes.

Betaine is also highly synergistic when taken with creatine. By preventing the production of homocysteine, betaine leads to a higher production of creatine in the body as well as a higher absorption and utilization rate of supplemental creatine because more of it can be used without being broken down. Betaine is being thrown in virtually every creatine and protein product now because of this reason. Betaine also propels the repair of joints and even liver tissue, supporting improved recovery. New research supports that betaine can directly enhance muscle power and strength. The betaine HCL can be taken with meals and betaine anhydrous can be taken with sports supplements or with creatine without risk of an upset stomach.

Many users supplementing with both betaine and creatine enriched products have been complaining about their muscle getting bigger and stronger. Well, not exactly complaining, but definitely bragging. There’s a good chance the creatine being added to these products is better absorbed in the betaine enriched products because of betaine’s effects on homocysteine levels. We suggest picking up a few betaine supplements and combining them with creatine monohydrate, like BodyStrong Creatine Monohydrate. That way you can effectively have the best of both worlds: the great gains experienced from combining betaine and creatine, and saving some money by avoiding the high markups on betaine enriched creatine/protein products.
Different Betaine HCL supplements

The ultimate betaine supplement combos

Betaine + Whey Protein + Creatine: The betaine helps your body better break down and absorb the protein and of course pairs well with creatine.
Betaine + Creatine + BCAAs + Citrulline + Glutamine: This is a great intra-workout drink to help with muscle energy, recovery and growth. Highly recommended, well studied, and praised highly by all who try it and enjoy its gains.
Scivation Xtend + Betaine + Creatine: Scivation Xtend is a combination of BCAAs, citrulline and glutamine with electrolytes. Adding a bit of betaine anhydrous and a 5 gram scoop of creatine can really spice this blend up and take it to the next level.
Betaine + Creatine + Digestive Enzymes: This is the perfect combo to take with a meal. The betaine and digestive enzymes help your body break down meals and utilize nutrients. The creatine is better absorbed because of the insulin spike from the meal and the betaine.
RickRock said:
Awesome info Dylan!

thanks brother... im not sure how many have used this but i have used it several times and it definitely works... it can add some nice strength and size for extra gains... its nothing dbol drastic but it definitely works and is a nice addition, especially in a bridging phase...
Its not going to make you grow like a steroid or anything miraculous, but for otc, this is about as good as it gets...
betaine hcl is awesome for those that suffer from acid reflux

most reflux is from not enough stomach acid not too much stomach acid

natural factors is my favourite one

helps break down protein so you actually absorb more for it

one more tip

older guys have a harder time taking orals like they did in their younger years this is because of lower stomach acid levels

take betaine with your oral steroids and you will find that you absorb them better with less stomach distress
jazzy mclicious said:
betaine hcl is awesome for those that suffer from acid reflux

most reflux is from not enough stomach acid not too much stomach acid

natural factors is my favourite one

helps break down protein so you actually absorb more for it

one more tip

older guys have a harder time taking orals like they did in their younger years this is because of lower stomach acid levels

take betaine with your oral steroids and you will find that you absorb them better with less stomach distress

now i was not aware about the absorption at all... that's really nice to know and pass along bro... thank you!!
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