I cleaned up my diet, and I have a strength training regimen planned out. Aside from creating a calorie deficit, what would be the best stack to use in order to drop body fat (hopefully quickly), and gain lean muscle? I’m looking at your article on the SARMS triple-stack protocol, and I watched isarms review on the S4-GW-LDG stack… and while I’m experienced in weight lifting, I’m still a SARMS-newbie, and I haven’t a clue which direction I should take. I really would appreciate some advice.
To complete the picture… I’m one of those — I used to be fit, and then I got depressed, and now I’m a middle-aged fat person. lol. I laugh when I say that but I know it’s not funny, i need to get lighter, leaner, and healthier again!
To complete the picture… I’m one of those — I used to be fit, and then I got depressed, and now I’m a middle-aged fat person. lol. I laugh when I say that but I know it’s not funny, i need to get lighter, leaner, and healthier again!