Sorry was looking for the info page to do a intro. Not sure if this is the right place.
Anyhow. Here I am.
A little about me.
I'm 45 years old.
I'm 6'1" 225#
I hover around 9-11% bf. Year round.
I enjoy the strict lifestyle. But I also enjoy life. As I was gifted with a nice metabolism. So I can cheat a little more then others.
Been training since before I was in high school when I got a weight set for xmas when I was 13. It was just a bar and two shorter bars. Anyone remember those. With the slide on locks so you can either have dumbbells or use the straight bar. Anyway. Lifted quite a lot in high school as I played football and baseball and then into college same sports and training. After college hung up the cleats. Except I play men's softball in leagues and tourneys.
I train 4-5 days a week and play ball 3 days. Plus weekends.
I have used aas products for the last 8 years. I blast and cruise as I decided I already had a child and not worried about having more. I get blood work pre post and mid blasts and one test during my 4 month cruises. Always come back good.
I have a lot of knowledge to share but as people we are always learning new things so to say I know everything is not true. I'm always learning new info. As we all should.
Anyway a little about me. Want to know more just ask.
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Anyhow. Here I am.
A little about me.
I'm 45 years old.
I'm 6'1" 225#
I hover around 9-11% bf. Year round.
I enjoy the strict lifestyle. But I also enjoy life. As I was gifted with a nice metabolism. So I can cheat a little more then others.
Been training since before I was in high school when I got a weight set for xmas when I was 13. It was just a bar and two shorter bars. Anyone remember those. With the slide on locks so you can either have dumbbells or use the straight bar. Anyway. Lifted quite a lot in high school as I played football and baseball and then into college same sports and training. After college hung up the cleats. Except I play men's softball in leagues and tourneys.
I train 4-5 days a week and play ball 3 days. Plus weekends.
I have used aas products for the last 8 years. I blast and cruise as I decided I already had a child and not worried about having more. I get blood work pre post and mid blasts and one test during my 4 month cruises. Always come back good.
I have a lot of knowledge to share but as people we are always learning new things so to say I know everything is not true. I'm always learning new info. As we all should.
Anyway a little about me. Want to know more just ask.
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