Hey guys. I am new. 32 year old man. 5' 7"ish, and 170ish pounds. Started lifting in high school, and did for about a year. Stopped. Lifted a bit in college, but inconsistently and only for a short while. Since then, I would spend a few months here and there in the gym, but now I am committed to my strength, health and fitness. Been lifting 3 years consistently, and it has really been life changing. I need the discipline, the routine. Training is part of my self identity and it benefits my mental and spiritual health. Even though I am not old, I can feel that my body is different at 32 than it was at 22. I want to be able to continue to make gains as safely as possible for a very long time. I'm glad to be here, and I hope to learn a lot from all of you guys. Cheers!