

The companies that are under the spotlight and being looked at by the FDA are the ones trying to sell sarms in capsules. That is not the way it can be sold legally for research purposes. It must be sold in liquid suspension. That is how it stays legal. Sarms are actually much worse and unstable in capsules anyways with only about 20% bioavailability.

I don't see awesome trustworthy companies like pure essence going anywhere anytime soon. You never know what the government may do one day, but Operating like you are supposed to by offering these compounds as research chemicals and not dietary supplements keeps it out of the spotlight. The only reason it has even come up is because of those shady supplement companies trying to sell sarms to humans as a dietary supplement
Went to a Max Muscle this weekend. He said liquid are shit and you can't find better than capsules. Lol I about shit myself. Then he starts telling me about them with the full names. So I popped off some info I learned here, especially stuff like the formula name (i.e. GW501516)and shut him up quick. He didn't even know them. Still thinks liquid is garbage.

Then went to Total Nutrition and the capsules were in a showcase! I looked at the GW and it had 10mg per capsule. Lol. And I don't even remember the other names ingredients.

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Went to a Max Muscle this weekend. He said liquid are shit and you can't find better than capsules. Lol I about shit myself. Then he starts telling me about them with the full names. So I popped off some info I learned here, especially stuff like the formula name (i.e. GW501516)and shut him up quick. He didn't even know them. Still thinks liquid is garbage.

Then went to Total Nutrition and the capsules were in a showcase! I looked at the GW and it had 10mg per capsule. Lol. And I don't even remember the other names ingredients.

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LOLLL yeah they persuade people as scammers do in hopes someone won't bitch slap them with facts and there is no argument back... just like the douche that came in from some lab saying that had "3 whole weeks" of research... LMFAO... "well we spent 3 whole weeks researching this" LOLLLL GTFO which is exactly what he did...
As long as this forum is around you'll have access to quality sources... That's why it's so important we build a strong family here...
Whats all this banning sarms talk?

im pretty sure you are talking about the banning of pill form sarms. I hear that is in the works .From what i know liquids are research chemicals and should not be affected. someone correct me,if im wrong
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