
Axio Results with labs

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Everybody responds to testosterone differently, I dont take any AI even when I blast 600mg test a week? I am on a cruise pinning 150mg a week and my test levels came back over 1500 as it was capped. I had to lower it to 100mg a week.

Damn bro! Lucky you :)
I've been running Axio Cyp the past three months 200mg a week and have had bloods done twice, both draws total test was right at 1100. If anything it's a little overdosed. The Tren is skewing your #'s, I've ran 600 Cyp and 300 tren ace and had total test #s around 1500 with the same product that kept me around a 1000 with 200 a week trt dose. I would question your aromasin if anything. If my estrogen was at 37 and I took one dose 25mg of aromasin that would tank my estrogen in the single digits.

Appreciate you giving your two cents bro. Everyone I know that has ran Axio has been more then satisfied.

I took it a step further and pinged a hand full of long time clients and everyone has had awesome numbers and no complaints whatsoever.

If Myself or IWGF have ripped you off please raise your hand. I’m not saying we haven’t made mistakes cause we have done that plenty times but when we do we do more then we have to just to rectify the situation and make our clients feel listened too.

I gotta be honest... it pisses me off when there is no communication with the source, but the member has a problem with product. Come on... communicate the issue with the person/s you have a problem with before you throw people under the bus.

Perfect example... there was a dude who was bitching about aromasin not working, made a big deal and come to find out his body fat was 25%. Just silly... rookie

Do everyone a favor and PM your source first, and then if you don’t here back ask a MOD for help or shoot Dylan a PM.

I’m not saying lie about your experience with product but damn.. you act like we just came on board and have established rep. IWGF and I civilized and love the members here

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