there is literally nothing to fear... i see this far too often and its not something anything should be given a hard time about because everyone has fears they need to overcome... you have to look at this from a different perspective as opposed to a frightened one... unless you have had some sort of bad experience in the past, then its more of an unknown that is causing the fear than anything... one thing to think about is how many others do it on a DAILY basis with no problem... you have to ask yourself, "if so and so did it, then why can't I?" Think about the men and women who do this constantly with no problem... think about how painless shots were at the doctor after you had yourself worked into a frenzy for absolutely nothing yet you may have still cried to get a present from your parents out of the deal etc. but in reality, you didn't even feel it... the prick on your finger to draw blood hurts more than a shot does and that's no bull shit... if you do it right, you literally don't feel a thing... you will be just fine, its just like any other phobia that can be overcome... the mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy so you must overcome THE MIND...