I currently run Atlas Pharma Sust 300 (website says they're from Sweden, but they're Thai, bought the gear from Thai website alongside some Meditech clomid (FAKE! code didn't work) and Alpha Pharma Winny (will use WK6-WK10) and PCT. Website is quite known, admins actually run two separate sites, but it's not publicly available information. They totally disregarded my claim regarding clomid so I won't be ever ordering from them again. (they are also expensive...) Regarding Atlas Pharma Sust I cannot tell much - I'm on my day 6 of 10 week cycle, haven't seen much yet except oily skin and one or two extra spots on face (I'm actually prone to spots anyway so could be just accident) but I sleep 6 hrs a day and feel rested. PIP is so bad I had to be 24/7 on ibuprofen, that might be because it's my first cycle so every injection site is virgin pretty much.