I thought estrogen make you feel emotional or causes mood swings. Good to know. I'll try lowering my AI and see how I feel and react to estrogen, always keeping in mind water retention and consequential blood pressure issues. As others said, our bodies react differently, thus I need to experiment my self.The estrogen is not always a bad thing. It does make you feel well mentally.It also adds many good qualities to men. That is why when guys crash their E they feel like shit. Now just like any thing else in this world...too much is not good. I have always had ai on hand but have never taken it.Never had sore nips before. When I talk about the test/deca @200/200...I always mention the mental part. If you took this stack and over did ai you would loose the feel good mentally. This is all about #1-balance, #2-know your self, and know yourself well and #3..the dose. Now when you start on those 800 test stacks you may feel great, like rickrock, or may feel crappy. It is the dose that needs to be found that suits you. If the stack makes you feel good but you do not put on that 30 lbs of muscle then...oh well!
This is a good post to help folks begin to know their own body.
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