
Aromasin Question.

Ok family. So I have 25mg Aromasin tablets. They are very tiny and coated, so cutting in half just doesn't look possible. I am currently cruising on 250mgs a week test and 75mgs a day Proviron. I have high E symptoms, fatigue, bloated and difficulty maintaining an erection. I was going to start the aromasin at 12.5mgs a day but that not being possible was wondering if 25mgs taken twice a week would do the trick?

Many thanks in advance.


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U sure its high estro? The symptoms are pretty much the same for low estro too. When i come off cycle my estro drops and i have all those symptoms. Best course of action is to get bloods done. Could be numerous things.
U sure its high estro? The symptoms are pretty much the same for low estro too. When i come off cycle my estro drops and i have all those symptoms. Best course of action is to get bloods done. Could be numerous things.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's high I finished my blast 7 weeks ago and have been cruising since. I haven't used an AI during the cruise I anticipated the Proviron would suffice with the low test doesage.

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I agree, bloods is the best way to know. You get frustrated enough not being horny, and you will get the bloods done in a jiffy. Guessing is not a good option.
I agree, bloods is the best way to know. You get frustrated enough not being horny, and you will get the bloods done in a jiffy. Guessing is not a good option.

I get that Bro unfortunately here in the UK getting bloods done is not easy. I will however pursue this and see where I'm at.

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Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's high I finished my blast 7 weeks ago and have been cruising since. I haven't used an AI during the cruise I anticipated the Proviron would suffice with the low test doesage.

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cruising on 250 seems pretty High. what was your Blast Dosage?
That don't make any sense, I would rather it be illegal and be able to get bloods like here in us. That's crazy

The only way to do it here is to go private. Even then a record of it has to be recorded in your medical file. May not seem a big deal- until your employer/ future employer/ police etc want acres to it. Then it becomes a problem.

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I'll have a look online and hunt down a small one! Thank you

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There's some decent pill splitters out there. If you have pfizer then yea they're small and difficult to cut so you'd be fine doing 25mg every other day or every 3rd to start and then go for there.
There's some decent pill splitters out there. If you have pfizer then yea they're small and difficult to cut so you'd be fine doing 25mg every other day or every 3rd to start and then go for there.

Yes they are Bro. This is a big help! Thank you!

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