
Aromasin needed ?

Sabretooth spider monkey

New member
Hi guys, I am getting ready to start a new cycle soon( my 4th cycle ) just waiting on my delivery of GW from sarmsx to arrive( first time trying gw). I saw dylans video on small dose cycles and decided to give it ago, I plan to do test prop 250 ew and tren ace 350 ew was just wondering if anybody has tried this and would they still recommend the use of aromasin throughout the cycle, p.s I have used tren ace before so I know what to expect from that bad boy lol
Hi guys, I am getting ready to start a new cycle soon( my 4th cycle ) just waiting on my delivery of GW from sarmsx to arrive( first time trying gw). I saw dylans video on small dose cycles and decided to give it ago, I plan to do test prop 250 ew and tren ace 350 ew was just wondering if anybody has tried this and would they still recommend the use of aromasin throughout the cycle, p.s I have used tren ace before so I know what to expect from that bad boy lol

you absolutely need an ai... when you use tren, and just on any cycle but especially with tren, ITS IMPERATIVE to have your estrogen under control... you need dostinex with tren as well for prolactin... tell me your stats and goals... age/height/weight/body fat? goals?

LET ME KNOW and i'll design this into a best for you with low doses but huge results...
Hi guys, I am getting ready to start a new cycle soon( my 4th cycle ) just waiting on my delivery of GW from sarmsx to arrive( first time trying gw). I saw dylans video on small dose cycles and decided to give it ago, I plan to do test prop 250 ew and tren ace 350 ew was just wondering if anybody has tried this and would they still recommend the use of aromasin throughout the cycle, p.s I have used tren ace before so I know what to expect from that bad boy lol

350 Ace is not a light dose. Why do you want to do two short chains? Just curious.
Hi guys, I am getting ready to start a new cycle soon( my 4th cycle ) just waiting on my delivery of GW from sarmsx to arrive( first time trying gw). I saw dylans video on small dose cycles and decided to give it ago, I plan to do test prop 250 ew and tren ace 350 ew was just wondering if anybody has tried this and would they still recommend the use of aromasin throughout the cycle, p.s I have used tren ace before so I know what to expect from that bad boy lol

You should always use aromasin during every cycle, and especially yours because you are running Tren. Even though Tren doesn't convert to estrogen directly, estrogen is needed for prolactin to be created so if you keep the estrogen down it can keep that from occurring.

I'm glad to see you have GW in there. It's a necessity with Tren in my opinion. With that stack I'd also throw in some S4 with it for its effects. I thin it goes great with a Tren cycle as well

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for the feed back guys really appreciate it. Stats dylan are
Age 38
Height 5,7
Weight 160lbs
Bf 16% ???
I have an appointment with my GP next week to get blood work done and have a full health check before i start anything. My goal is to drop body fat, tighten and harden up my overall look
Thanks for the feed back guys really appreciate it. Stats dylan are
Age 38
Height 5,7
Weight 160lbs
Bf 16% ???
I have an appointment with my GP next week to get blood work done and have a full health check before i start anything. My goal is to drop body fat, tighten and harden up my overall look

At your bodyfat level I wouldn't use Tren man honestly. It's going to be way too hard on your body with elevated bodyfat. You really shouldn't be using steroids at all with those stats, but for what you are trying to accomplish goal wise you should run some sarms with some test. Steroids are not fat burners anyways, so this would probably treat you better for your goals

Get your sarms and pct from

1-12 Test 250mg per week
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for the reply rickrock, I agree with you on the bf being to high at this point just had to ask the question to see what people thought about it, I have a few bottles of GW ordered but live in the uk so need to wait on ther arrival, can't wait,heard and read a lot of good things about sarmsx products. Thanks again my friend👍
Thanks for the feed back guys really appreciate it. Stats dylan are
Age 38
Height 5,7
Weight 160lbs
Bf 16% ???
I have an appointment with my GP next week to get blood work done and have a full health check before i start anything. My goal is to drop body fat, tighten and harden up my overall look

its clear you definitely understand what needs to be done and i love that... you have listened, you studied and your taking the proper steps.. im going to suggest a stack for you to run before you move forward with the proposed cycle you have... this will be perfect to get your in the proper condition for your next cycle... i would love to see you at 10-11 % going into a tren cycle... that way you can really get the most out of it... here is the layout... you can get everything at

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Thanks for the reply rickrock, I agree with you on the bf being to high at this point just had to ask the question to see what people thought about it, I have a few bottles of GW ordered but live in the uk so need to wait on ther arrival, can't wait,heard and read a lot of good things about sarmsx products. Thanks again my friend👍
Sounds,good brother. It would definitely be advisable to get that bodyfat down as best as you can before starting.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
follow my advice on this brother and you will see all the benefits, you will extend your life and you will feel on top of the world... you have the tools now its up to you to implement it...
Thanks for the layout dylan, I must say guys it's good to be able to put forward a question ( no matter how simple it may be) and get sum genuine answers from genuine people who really want to help. Not like u see on other forums were people seem to take joy in ridiculing people for ther questions.👍👍👍
Thanks for the layout dylan, I must say guys it's good to be able to put forward a question ( no matter how simple it may be) and get sum genuine answers from genuine people who really want to help. Not like u see on other forums were people seem to take joy in ridiculing people for ther questions.

you may get some tough love if you talk reckless or dont even try to look things up on your own but you will never be ridiculed or turned away here bro... you will ALWAYS get an honest answer, whether its what you like or not or what you want to hear or not... it will be what you NEED to hear to help you the best possible way... you can ask me anything bro and im always here to help
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