
Arimidex and Pct question..

4 weeks in 12 week test e Anavar cycle.
1-10 600 mg test e
6-12 50 mg var

Anyhow I'm taking T3 as well for 1st 6 weeks and it affected me harder than I thought so upped my dose from 300 to the above 600 week 2.
I also purchased Arimidex once I upped test dose.My nipples were a little sore week 2 so, took my pct nolvadex(didn't intend to have to use during cycle) 50 mg every other day. My nipples have not hurt since.anyhow just got my additions,What do you recommend dosage of Arimidex bare minimum. I have heard it can affect your progress.
Also I'm hitting Hcg 10 days after cycle as part of PCT. Do I do this 10 days after my last Test e or 10 days after my Var. I'm going to Do triple stack sarms also. Can I apply that at same time HCG or after full pct?
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
4 weeks in 12 week test e Anavar cycle.
1-10 600 mg test e
6-12 50 mg var

Anyhow I'm taking T3 as well for 1st 6 weeks and it affected me harder than I thought so upped my dose from 300 to the above 600 week 2.
I also purchased Arimidex once I upped test dose.My nipples were a little sore week 2 so, took my pct nolvadex(didn't intend to have to use during cycle) 50 mg every other day. My nipples have not hurt since.anyhow just got my additions,What do you recommend dosage of Arimidex bare minimum. I have heard it can affect your progress.
Also I'm hitting Hcg 10 days after cycle as part of PCT. Do I do this 10 days after my last Test e or 10 days after my Var. I'm going to Do triple stack sarms also. Can I apply that at same time HCG or after full pct?

You have a lot of problems here bro, that seriously need fixed. There is a lot wrong and it is imperative that you correct these issues

There's a few things I don't understand here brother. Why are you using T3, and what do you mean it affected you more than you thought that caused you to increase your test dose? T3 is catabolic and can eat muscle, if that's the issue you are having. There are much better options if fat loss is your goal

Also you should never use Nolva on cycle. That's not what it is intended for. It does not lower your estrogen. you absolutely need to run an AI on cycle like Aromasin or arimadex, not Nolva. Your estrogen will continue to rise while on Nolva. It only blocks it from binding to breast tissue, so as soon as you come off you get a rebound and usually gyno along with it

Where did you get the info that arimadex will hurt your progress? That's entirely untrue. If anything will hurt your progress, it's going to be T3. It's going to be hard to keep your muscle, let alone build any while on it. You absolutely need to control your estrogen on cycle. Use 1mg EOD arimadex if that's all you have, though Aromasin would be better here.

Why in the world would you run HCG in PCT? You do not do that brother. You cannot recover while on HCG. It needs to be ran the last few weeks of the cycle until PCT starts. Not during PCT. that is completely counterproductive.

Your triple stack should start after your PCT is complete, but it is safe and encouraged to use MK-2866 and GW as part of your PCT. DO NOT use S4 in your PCT as it is suppressive.
Got info on and another on Hcg 10 days after a long Esther..was curious if I could start after test e shot since Var is not suppressive.Sounds like I can..this T3 isn't anywhere as catabolic as everyone seems to believe.I believe it actually increases the muscle mass, just consume tons of protein.I can 110 times guarantee that on T3 your body is digesting far more nutrients than it has ever done before..I'm growing like a weed off this 600 mg test and it isn't all water by any means. This t3 makes you piss like a racehorse and it eats more fat than an Eskimo.
I stated "affected me more than I thought "as in it wears your ass out , which concerned me with muscle waste. Once I hit 100 mcg I had trouble on my heavy days and sweated profusely. I will add 12.5 mcg T3 for my entire next cycle to add mass.Its the bomb.
From all my research Arimidex was the shit which is why I purchased it, I'm not familiar with AI at all. This is what I have so will be what I use.
I definitely prefer to start the ostarine and GW at Pct, sounds like I can. So when should I add this Hcg? I'm looking for specifics. I'm already on my cycle and T3 that's not changing, I'm 4 weeks in the cycle and this is what I'm setup for. Definitely like to be prepared for the best possible pct and know when to add the Hcg. From what I read Hcg rockets your test.
Appreciate and value the feedback. I've gotten lots of invaluable information on diet and nutrition here also.
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Got info on and another on Hcg 10 days after a long Esther..was curious if I could start after test e shot since Var is not suppressive.Sounds like I can..this T3 isn't anywhere as catabolic as everyone seems to believe.I believe it actually increases the muscle mass, just consume tons of protein.I can 110 times guarantee that on T3 your body is digesting far more nutrients than it has ever done before..I'm growing like a weed off this 600 mg test and it isn't all water by any means. This t3 makes you piss like a racehorse and it eats more fat than an Eskimo.
I stated "affected me more than I thought "as in it wears your ass out , which concerned me with muscle waste. Once I hit 100 mcg I had trouble on my heavy days and sweated profusely. I will add 12.5 mcg T3 for my entire next cycle to add mass.Its the bomb.
From all my research Arimidex was the shit which is why I purchased it, I'm not familiar with AI at all. This is what I have so will be what I use.
I definitely prefer to start the ostarine and GW at Pct, sounds like I can. So when should I add this Hcg? I'm looking for specifics. I'm already on my cycle and T3 that's not changing, I'm 4 weeks in the cycle and this is what I'm setup for. Definitely like to be prepared for the best possible pct and know when to add the Hcg. From what I read Hcg rockets your test.
Appreciate and value the feedback. I've gotten lots of invaluable information on diet and nutrition here also.

What do you mean Var isnt suppressive bro? It absolutely is! It's an oral steroid that shuts you down just as much as anything else. Also, T3 cannot and will not increase muscle mass in any way, shape, or form. If you are increasing muscle mass it's from the test, not the T3.

I don't care where you read your info at, but it's entirely wrong. You don't take HCG in PCT EVER. You are meant to take it while still on the steroids up to when PCT starts. So just start it last couple weeks of the cycle and end it when you start pct two weeks after last injection. Don't over complicate things.
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Got info on and another on Hcg 10 days after a long Esther..was curious if I could start after test e shot since Var is not suppressive.Sounds like I can..this T3 isn't anywhere as catabolic as everyone seems to believe.I believe it actually increases the muscle mass, just consume tons of protein.I can 110 times guarantee that on T3 your body is digesting far more nutrients than it has ever done before..I'm growing like a weed off this 600 mg test and it isn't all water by any means. This t3 makes you piss like a racehorse and it eats more fat than an Eskimo.
I stated "affected me more than I thought "as in it wears your ass out , which concerned me with muscle waste. Once I hit 100 mcg I had trouble on my heavy days and sweated profusely. I will add 12.5 mcg T3 for my entire next cycle to add mass.Its the bomb.
From all my research Arimidex was the shit which is why I purchased it, I'm not familiar with AI at all. This is what I have so will be what I use.
I definitely prefer to start the ostarine and GW at Pct, sounds like I can. So when should I add this Hcg? I'm looking for specifics. I'm already on my cycle and T3 that's not changing, I'm 4 weeks in the cycle and this is what I'm setup for. Definitely like to be prepared for the best possible pct and know when to add the Hcg. From what I read Hcg rockets your test.
Appreciate and value the feedback. I've gotten lots of invaluable information on diet and nutrition here also.

brother, is so outdated and incorrect its fucking absurd.. i know you would not just know that in general but bro, trust me, its insane how outdated it is... arimidex is average at best... its a mere suppressor that offers little other benefit where aromasin is not only a suicidal inhibitor but offers a multitude of other benefits, most notably increasing ifg levels which is HUGE in recovery etc... HCG DOES NOT rocket your test... Here's what it will do though... if ran too long it will cause suppression, increase estrogen and you will desensitize to it.. it CAN jumpstart you going into pct but it mimics your lh and fsh... this is NOT what you want in pct... you are trying to jumpstart things, not mimic them... by continually doing the mimicking it will trick your body and your body won't realize it needs to keep producing on its own... if you jumpstart it going into pct, you can still kickstart it back to learn with clomid and nolvadex but its the same as why you stop using test before pct... test suppresses the shit out of you, but during cycle its increased to crazy levels because your feeding it to your body but you stop doing that and your body then forgets to process on its own and thats why you need a pct bro... same with hcg... it mimics just like test and then when you stop your body also forgets how to keep going... its like a quick fix that could cause long term issues if not used properly... you want to use it that last 4 weeks before you start pct... 1000 ius week... here is a layout for your pct and then after you complete pct, follow it with the sarms stack provided...


clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
DylanGemelli said:
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Got info on and another on Hcg 10 days after a long Esther..was curious if I could start after test e shot since Var is not suppressive.Sounds like I can..this T3 isn't anywhere as catabolic as everyone seems to believe.I believe it actually increases the muscle mass, just consume tons of protein.I can 110 times guarantee that on T3 your body is digesting far more nutrients than it has ever done before..I'm growing like a weed off this 600 mg test and it isn't all water by any means. This t3 makes you piss like a racehorse and it eats more fat than an Eskimo.
I stated "affected me more than I thought "as in it wears your ass out , which concerned me with muscle waste. Once I hit 100 mcg I had trouble on my heavy days and sweated profusely. I will add 12.5 mcg T3 for my entire next cycle to add mass.Its the bomb.
From all my research Arimidex was the shit which is why I purchased it, I'm not familiar with AI at all. This is what I have so will be what I use.
I definitely prefer to start the ostarine and GW at Pct, sounds like I can. So when should I add this Hcg? I'm looking for specifics. I'm already on my cycle and T3 that's not changing, I'm 4 weeks in the cycle and this is what I'm setup for. Definitely like to be prepared for the best possible pct and know when to add the Hcg. From what I read Hcg rockets your test.
Appreciate and value the feedback. I've gotten lots of invaluable information on diet and nutrition here also.

brother, is so outdated and incorrect its fucking absurd.. i know you would not just know that in general but bro, trust me, its insane how outdated it is... arimidex is average at best... its a mere suppressor that offers little other benefit where aromasin is not only a suicidal inhibitor but offers a multitude of other benefits, most notably increasing ifg levels which is HUGE in recovery etc... HCG DOES NOT rocket your test... Here's what it will do though... if ran too long it will cause suppression, increase estrogen and you will desensitize to it.. it CAN jumpstart you going into pct but it mimics your lh and fsh... this is NOT what you want in pct... you are trying to jumpstart things, not mimic them... by continually doing the mimicking it will trick your body and your body won't realize it needs to keep producing on its own... if you jumpstart it going into pct, you can still kickstart it back to learn with clomid and nolvadex but its the same as why you stop using test before pct... test suppresses the shit out of you, but during cycle its increased to crazy levels because your feeding it to your body but you stop doing that and your body then forgets to process on its own and thats why you need a pct bro... same with hcg... it mimics just like test and then when you stop your body also forgets how to keep going... its like a quick fix that could cause long term issues if not used properly... you want to use it that last 4 weeks before you start pct... 1000 ius week... here is a layout for your pct and then after you complete pct, follow it with the sarms stack provided...


clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

where can we find some good information that is not outdated? Written info, not videos..
Yeah there's a lot of info on running Hcg with test. Many suggest 500 split in two doses a week thru cycle and quit 2 weeks prior to pct..others use in pct 10 days after long Esther and 3 after short..I'll stick to the 4 week blast..I've got Arimidex and will use that in place of aromas in.
Next cycle I'll use the aromasin.
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Yeah there's a lot of info on running Hcg with test. Many suggest 500 split in two doses a week thru cycle and quit 2 weeks prior to pct..others use in pct 10 days after long Esther and 3 after short..I'll stick to the 4 week blast..I've got Arimidex and will use that in place of aromas in.
Next cycle I'll use the aromasin.

Yes using HCG on cycle while on test is where it makes sense. You can also run it after your last injection while esters are clearing, but NEVER use it in PCT while recovering.
RickRock said:
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Yeah there's a lot of info on running Hcg with test. Many suggest 500 split in two doses a week thru cycle and quit 2 weeks prior to pct..others use in pct 10 days after long Esther and 3 after short..I'll stick to the 4 week blast..I've got Arimidex and will use that in place of aromas in.
Next cycle I'll use the aromasin.

Yes using HCG on cycle while on test is where it makes sense. You can also run it after your last injection while esters are clearing, but NEVER use it in PCT while recovering.

In a few days I will posting medical research on immune system disorders and the use of oct and pct . The most productive protocol was first injection begins with third to last injection. So 3 with each of the last 3 aas injections, the next week 1 hcg on its own. On day 20, after last hcg, begins pct. In cases of severe testicular atrophy 3 injections of 5000iu one each week along with aas anytime atrophy appears.
So the you can look at this 2 ways. You could say that it is the begining of the end of an aas cycle or you could say it is pre pct. Make sense? It is not used during the a cycle except for the end. When the severe atrophy showed a whopping 5000iu 3 times fixed the problem.
12 week cycle..
Week 10 last shot of Test / Hcg 1250mg
Week 11 still on Var / Hcg 1250mg
Week 12 last week of var/ Hcg 1250mg
Week 13 Hcg only 1250mg

20 days after that last Hcg start pct..

1250mg due to HCG being 5000mg..Is Clomid absolutely necessary, I don't have it..Just planned on the mk2866 /GW50/And nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20..then the triple stack..I do plan on doing another cycle right after that triple stack.. I'm going to more than likely run HGH at 4iu 5 on 2 off for 6 mths and I'm gonna do some sort of Tren cycle at that time..not sure what..I'll for sure run the HGH the length of cycle..need to research on the Tren anyhow if Clomid is necessary I'll purchase just before I need along with the HCG and Tren cycle..
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
12 week cycle..
Week 10 last shot of Test / Hcg 1250mg
Week 11 still on Var / Hcg 1250mg
Week 12 last week of var/ Hcg 1250mg
Week 13 Hcg only 1250mg

20 days after that last Hcg start pct..

1250mg due to HCG being 5000mg..Is Clomid absolutely necessary, I don't have it..Just planned on the mk2866 /GW50/And nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20..then the triple stack..I do plan on doing another cycle right after that triple stack.. I'm going to more than likely run HGH at 4iu 5 on 2 off for 6 mths and I'm gonna do some sort of Tren cycle at that time..not sure what..I'll for sure run the HGH the length of cycle..need to research on the Tren anyhow if Clomid is necessary I'll purchase just before I need along with the HCG and Tren cycle..

i always recommend a 2 serm pct but if i had to choose just one then clomid would be the first choice... i just would not rely on nolva alone... that's up to you but i personally would not... i would definitely have aromasin in there as well bro...
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
12 week cycle..
Week 10 last shot of Test / Hcg 1250mg
Week 11 still on Var / Hcg 1250mg
Week 12 last week of var/ Hcg 1250mg
Week 13 Hcg only 1250mg

20 days after that last Hcg start pct..

1250mg due to HCG being 5000mg..Is Clomid absolutely necessary, I don't have it..Just planned on the mk2866 /GW50/And nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20..then the triple stack..I do plan on doing another cycle right after that triple stack.. I'm going to more than likely run HGH at 4iu 5 on 2 off for 6 mths and I'm gonna do some sort of Tren cycle at that time..not sure what..I'll for sure run the HGH the length of cycle..need to research on the Tren anyhow if Clomid is necessary I'll purchase just before I need along with the HCG and Tren cycle..

That HCG protocol looks much better. That will work well. As for your PCT, I would add the Clomid and Aromasin to that to give you a full PCT. you don't ever want to cut your recovery short
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Out of curiosity when you blast and you pct before the cruise or at least blast some hcg prior to cruise?

There is absolutely no point in doing a PCT, if you are going to blast and cruise. You are just staying on test, so recovery of the HPTA is impossible.

As for HCG, I really don't see the need if you are doing blast/cruise either, unless you want to temporarily overcome some testicular atrophy and make your balls bigger.
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Out of curiosity when you blast and you pct before the cruise or at least blast some hcg prior to cruise?

you can blast it a few weeks every few months... you just don't want to ever over do it bro... 2-4 week blasts at 1000 ius week...
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