Kind of why I gave up on doctors and started self treating. They all wanted me to stay on the 75-100mg with those blood levels. They said, in various forms, that my blood results showed it was the perfect dose. They also praised themselves on their ethics by following the American Association of Urology, which tells docs to keep testosterone in the third quartile, or 450-600, range, though that was 2011 so the third quartile is probably lower now, and which basically says anyone aiming for more runs the risk of treating performance seeking athletes. There are clinics here that will happily give more, but they are expensive and only dose once a week. With my ultra rapid drug metabolism, 200mg is mostly gone by day 5 (test c has a 3.5 day half life).
Because there’s a lot of military here, who may be sourcing their testosterone elsewhere, that may be why it’s extra crazy here for civilians. Gyms for example cost more here than other places I’ve lived, while many others get gyms for free at work.
Admittedly, after a week on 280, I think the mental improvement is only slightly better than at 200. I’m definitely losing body fat faster though. At 280 I would guess my T levels are around 900-1000 ng/dL. I have about half as much acne on 280 as I did on 200, and a little less that I did at 100. I’ve had acne since I was 9 years old, and only the face acne disappeared at 25. The chest, shoulder, and back acne never stopped. I’ve been on TRT since I was 30. Why more T = less acne I really have no idea. It sounds completely counterintuitive.
I read an answer from Dylan that for most guys each gram raised T by 10. I don’t know why my ratio is so low, but that’s life’s lottery I guess.