
Anybody use anything other than test as base?

If you're a chick them you certainly have to watch compounds and dosages used much more so than the men. However, that's not to say women can't run a little test safely either. It's not the big bad evil demon it's made out to be. A little low dose test can do wonders with women

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Including making her sex drive go through the roof. Don't get too close men, unless you want to be raped. Lol

But yes, you are correct as long as a chick pays very close attention to her body and any changes that may be unwanted because they could be permanent.

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Including making her sex drive go through the roof. Don't get too close men, unless you want to be raped. Lol

But yes, you are correct as long as a chick pays very close attention to her body and any changes that may be unwanted because they could be permanent.

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Yep, you are exactly right on both accounts there. A woman on test can be......a lot of fun lol

Anytime women run a compound they need to start it off slow and low, and assess their own response. This is how you avoid any of those unwanted side effects that everyone hears about, and keeps anything permanent from happening

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
The only time I go without test is last week before a show I drop the test prop and add letro too annihilate estrogen. This makes you feel like pure shit your joints hurt forget about sex not happening but your a saran wrapped anatomy project peeled too shreds . I would never do this under normal circumstances. But when its time too hit the stage winning steers my better judgment
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