
Any you guys ever get on Alinboard?

just watching alin's bull shit posts for years said enough to me before... i never once even considered it.. you know what gets me is that when someone has such mixed reviews, why even risk it? there are so many quality places with stellar feedback.. it would seem like a no brainer... that's why its made a point here to not allow any sketchy type sources or companies to advertise... private messaging is hard to completely control but all out advertising most certainly is not and that shit is just not tolerated whatsoever... if anyone wants to attempt it here, go for it, but you will be one and done very quickly if your even lucky enough to get the one, which you likely would not be... that's something that will never be taken lightly...
You can't even pm on his alinboard. That should tell you something right there! All you see is great reviews on his board, and if anyone posts up a negative one, it will just get taken down.
Trust me, you are NOT missing anything out there. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a staff person here. I have been on a number of boards and this place has honest sponsors with great products, and the community here act like adults. And most important is we have a great leader here. It all starts at the top. Trust me there. That goes with anything in life.

i appreciate that brother... you've been here from day one and your loyalty is priceless... you know i always do my best to lead everyone but do so in a manner in which everyone knows how truly important and valued they are...
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