
Any you guys ever get on Alinboard?


Senior Member
I used to get all my AAS knowledge from Alinboard and it seemed pretty legit. They even had a supply company through that forum but never tried their products. I used to go through one of their sponsors for gear IP China. Had both good and bad experiences with them.
Alin has been known to be a scammer. A selective one. When I first got into this game, I to was there, and got some products from him. And they were legit. But there is absolutely no need to have to buy from Moldova to get quality gear!
Alin has been known to be a scammer. A selective one. When I first got into this game, I to was there, and got some products from him. And they were legit. But there is absolutely no need to have to buy from Moldova to get quality gear!

i agree... he would NEVER be allowed here in any capacity whatsoever...
Ooh fuck no!! lmfao…...

LOLLLL i think we are very familiar with many scum out there brotha... we've been through it all... that's the beauty of being able to help others before they get caught in the same old shit
LOLLLL i think we are very familiar with many scum out there brotha... we've been through it all... that's the beauty of being able to help others before they get caught in the same old shit
I'm truly blessed to have Adrenaline Rush after hearing horror stories about other boards

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Really appreciate the responses guys. AR has to be the best around. It's ashame bunk gear is sold out there, after my experience with IP China and Alinboard I was going to never use AAS again. Now with express domestic, all systems go LOL!!!!
Ya I've always known Alin to be a scammer. It's pretty much been common knowledge around the boards for several years now
I never personally purchased anything from them. Too many bad reviews scattered across the net, and I don't take take chances. IMO you're Guilty until proven innocent when it comes gear.
He is actually the top sponsor over at pro muscle. Figure that one out. He's pretty tight with Big A. that's probably why
Bro.. If you sell 50/50 good bad in Mass, your golden. Your have the good ones posting race review, and the other 50% are called people that are haters. Not only cuts Alinshop cost by half. It's a scam on big scale

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

I see what you mean. You will always get the guys that got the legit stuff giving reviews, and you will always get the newbs on the hook. I guess thats a no brainer! It's so pathetic. I never seen more of a scam in my life than selling sups.
I have been truly fortunate and blessed only to have experience here at the AR and thats just fine with me

Trust me, you are NOT missing anything out there. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a staff person here. I have been on a number of boards and this place has honest sponsors with great products, and the community here act like adults. And most important is we have a great leader here. It all starts at the top. Trust me there. That goes with anything in life.
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